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Sun wants to preen everybody!


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Thanks, Bean is 3 months old and we don't know if he is a he or a she yet - will be seeing the vet the first week of the new year for complete check-up and blood test for sex. Had not planned on getting another bird - can say MBS has reached it's limit - but sometimes you just can't say no - will do so from now on. Bean has been with us since Monday.


First introductions went very well - Bean on one shoulder, Blue on the other - the middle of my back was very interesting to both. Bean was submissive to Blue and they have gotten along well with limited interaction. I've kept them in separate cages - side by side - until today. While cleaning Bean's cage he decided that it was ok to venture out and Blue was on the playstand. I set Bean on the playstand and the fun commenced. Blue flew to me, then Bean flew to me. Blue back to the playstand, then Bean back to the playstand. Then Bean to me and Blue right behind him. All afternoon has been a circus of Bean and Blue flying, playing chase, taking turns on who is in the lead. Landings and takeoff's from extravagant places (my face for one!).


The top of both cages open up and have been all day - however, Blue's seems to be the place they both want to be. The cage is very large compared to Beans so they both have loads of room. I'm wondering if I should let them share a cage? They are playing in and out of it so beautifully.

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