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Christmas Travels


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Well, Paco and I made the first half of our 7 hour drive to my family's place. We are now at a hotel and will finish the trip tomorrow after he has breakfast.


The trip was pretty good, although he fell once, but he had to take the blame on it. He was perching on his food dish and didn't have the grip he should have. He didn't stand on the dish after that.


Other than that, the only issue was when I passed a truck with a loose tarp moving in the wind! I didn't think anything of it at them time, but it brought a loud scream from Paco that scared me so bad I chocked on my coffee! All was good when I told him it was "Ok", but then he wanted kisses, not something I could do while driving British Columbia's mountain passes!


He loves the hotel, and the green curry I ordered for dinner. I hope the rest of the trip goes well for him. I'd like these travels to be met with excitement for him. I also discovered that he likes opera... I think this is in common with Josey isn't it? Sarah Brightman and Paco singing Mozart's Alleluja (sp?) together. Good grief!


Merry Christmas, I hope you all have a greyt one!



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It sounds like the trip is going very well for the first of such a travel adventure with Paco.


Love the singing along and the trip you have described so far.


Thanks for sharing this and you two have a safe and Merry Christmas!! :-)


PS: We are expecting atleast a photo journal and videos would be even better. :P

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