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Flew away :( Any hope in retrieving him?


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Yes there is LOTS of hope of you finding your bird. I have had mine fly away 6 times. I have recovered her every time.


I have not read the other replies here but let me tell you how to find your bird. These are listed in order of importance.


1. Keep looking. The bird is likely within a 1/4 mile of the place she flew away from.


2. Look in trees & bushes, this is where she/he will be. (I have always found my bird here, except for the ONE time she found me.)


3. LISTEN for her/his song/call. If you think you hear it go investigate. ALSO, if you have only limited time and can not devote 100% of your time looking for her, go look for her when she normally sings (i.e. early morning)


4. Post COLOR flyers of the bird stating where and when it was lost, and your contact info


5. Put a cage, on a white sheet (helps the bird see it) out with food and water in it.

5. Tell your neighbors that the bird is missing and to keep an eye out for it.


6. Call the local animal control to see if she.he turns up there. leave your contact info with them.



If you have employees, send them out to look for the bird.



If I think of anything else I will post it here.


The longest lost my bird for was 3 days. She was fine.


DON'T give up easily.



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I read all the posts ppl posted and the info you gave.


My further advice is to offer a reward on the posters. You do not need to say how much, and probably shouldn't. But because you said this was a "bad" neighborhood, and the economy is terrible in California right now, a reward will help.


ALSO you are lucky this happened in LB. The weather is fine and the bird can live outside forever in that climate. That being said the bird is either in a tree or a bush, or has been captured by someone.


AGAIN.... listen for the bird at the times it sings at normally. Use a bike to help you cover more terrain than walking....



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Thanks SFsailor and every one.

Yesterday I was in the neighborhood around 6:30 AM and I walked calling him along the streets and alleys until 10:30... I got extremely tired and I was not able to see/hear him. I was expecting to at least hear him respond to me. But I also had binoculars with me and used them to check the high palm trees and the distant trees.

I went back to my office to rest a bit then coninued out back.. then rest again until 4:30 PM. At that point I was unable to walked at all. I posted an ad in the animal control and at the local Pet Smart store. I have the flyer posted in every corner now. I also nocked at the doors yesterday and talked to the people walking by. Many of the neighbors were not home.

the funny thing is what happened in the afternoon. A guy walked into my office and asked about a car in the front (although our retail gate on the main street is closed) so I walked with him to show him the car. When done as I was walking back I noticed Sindbad's fluffy feathers in a specific spot. I told the guy to come back on Monday and I was calling him and investigating for about half an hour. I counted about 16 of the lifht feathers that he sheds (he is molting) in a 6 feet area. He was sitting on the sign and those feathers are on the sign, the fence and the ground. Inside the sign there is a nest of pegeon babies and their mom&dad hanging around. So they might have scared him out of the area. But now I feel so guilty I didn't take his cage there. I just do not have a truck at the moment that would fit the cage, and I thought if I get him another cage it won't be familiar. But I'll try to do that today.


On the other hand, someone called me last night and asked about the reward. I told him $100. He said he didn't have Sindbad but he was going to look for him. And he requested $300. I said ok... find him and we'll talk. Otherwise, I'm still waiting for news. As soon as I can walk normally again, I'll go back and continue calling. (I've had 3 surgeries in my ankle and that makes walking for hours very tough for me). Or may be that guy who was gonna look for him will call back for a reward.Wish me luck.

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Of course we wish you luck - we are with you every step of the way and I'm sure if any of us lived near we would help with the search. I jumped on this thread in anticipation when I saw you post - in the hope that Sinbad had returned.


Watch out for the guy and the reward request though - I don't like the sound of him ;)

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Sindbad, please don't waste any of your energy thinking of what you should have or could have done. It sounds to me like you are doing everything possible within your power and resources to find your boy. Focus on what you can do now and don't give up. Others have gotten their birds back with patience and creativity and you can keep going while you have hope. You have a lot of people praying for a good outcome for you. Keep your spirits up as much as you can. You will never regret all that you are trying to do to get back to your grey. Best of luck with all my heart.

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Sindbad...Good to hear you have not given up. Take heart your bird will be found.


I know what you are going through. And from what I have read I REALLY think you are going to find the bird. Eventually the bird will get hungry, and go to a person, if you do not find her/him first


However, one thing... I checked Craigslist.org in LA for a Lost listing for your bird and did not see one. You really need to put a ad on Craigslist, since it is widely used in CA

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Sinbad I was so hoping to hear you would have the baby back by now. I am still praying for you and your baby every day. Like everyone said be careful of that weirdo that asked for more reward money. Does your baby have a smaller playstand or travel cage or anything smaller that you could get over to your work? It sounds like he came back looking so that is a really good thing, I am sure he will come back again. I will check on any updates tomorrow.

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Good morning every one. I'm sorry I haven't been giving you any updates in the last couple of days, but I went back to work and I was also searching for Sindbad before and after work, and in the middle when I could. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find him. Yesterday an animal shelter in Pasaena announced that a CAG was found, and although it's more than 30 miles away from work, I still went to check it out. The poor guy was in terrible condition with most of his feathers picked. Thank God he was not my Sindbad. I would have felt awful. I offered to adopt him if nobody claims him.


But here is the real progress. Yesterday after work, I was searching for him and while I was in a Right Aid parking lot calling for him and using my binoculars to check on some trees, a guy that was using the phone booth acroos the street, where I posted one of my flyers, came to me and asked if I was looking for the parrot whose picture was posted. When I told him yes, he told me that he saw him around 2 or 3 in the afternoon in the huge plaza across the street. He said he thought it was a green parrot but when he saw the picture he thought it was my bird.It was around 7:30 then, but I went to that plaza and checked all the trees in there . He wasn't there.


Now I have a few questions:

1. Sindbad never responded to me when I talked to him while he was silent. He only looked at me. Would he respond to my calls now? Should focus only on my vision to find him?


2. Sindbad was not good at flying, that's why I didn't want to clip his wing. Particicularly he was not good at landing and many times he missed and hit a wall or the screen. What kind of trees would you think he would be on? Palm trees that are 4 or 5 story high? Or think threes that are full of leaves to cover him? or trees that have bare branches that resemble his perches so that he can stand comfortably and scratch his beak?


3. When I first got Sindbad, he made minimal sounds until he got used to us and the new environment. When I lost him he was making sounds most of the time whenever we were around unless we have him with us on the couch. He stopped making any noise when covered his cage and started the minute we uncovered it and took him out. Would you think he would be making noises nowadays in the wild, or would that be minimal too? What would be the best time you think he would be vocalizing?


Thank you very much.

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Hi Sinbad, I would guess from what you say that he won't have gone far. He will be hungry. Do you know what possible food sources for birds there might be?

Did he have a specific whistle call ? If he did and you call him with that you stand a better chance of him hearing you rather than calling his name.

Don't give up. You will find him.


Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/12/30 21:00

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I have been very worried about that. He is definitely hungry. But he survived for a week so far. So he must be doing something to get some food. Most of the fruits that I have seen in the area are palm trees that have very little unripe dates, and citrus trees (lemon, orange, tangerine, etc.) There are probably other trees in different backyards that I cannot see.


As for the call, there is no cal per se that he would respond to, but his most frequent word is " boassah boassah boassah" meaning kiss in Arabic. hahaha. And this is what I keep saying all the time while I'm walking. People think I'm either lost or I'm COCO. :))

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Did Sindbad like the sound of a cell phone or other object that would get him excited? If there is something he liked, you might be able to get a recording or something hoping he would respond. You have my admiration for how hard you are working to find him. It makes me so happy to know you are not giving up or getting disheartened but focused on doing everything in your power to find him. Thank you for keeping us updated as much as you have time during your hardship.

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Is there a special call that Sindbad uses? When I leave the room my grey will call out "What you doing" I answer back, "Watching you" Then she knows were I am and she starts wolf whistling and I whistle back. This is more or less a contact call. Do you and Sindbad have such a routine. If you do, that is what I would use when looking for him. Praying that you find Sindbad. Don't give up!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/12/31 03:13

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Sindbad: I am answer the ?'s you posted... The replies are at the end of each question.


1. Sindbad never responded to me when I talked to him while he was silent. He only looked at me. Would he respond to my calls now? Should focus only on my vision to find him?

Personally, I could not imagine you ever finding him just by vision. After all he will likely be in a tree or bush and hard to spot. Furthermore, my parrot flew by me once and I did not recognize it. (that being said parrots DO look different than other birds when they are flying, they (at least to me) have a more "circular" wing pattern.

Birds have a call and response nature to their communication. Therefore, whatever you called him before and he responded to use that call. (if you guys did have this type of communication, uses the word that you called him by) If you THINK you hear his call investigate that area. My bird sounds like an actual person, and that confused me a lot when I was looking for him.


2. What kind of trees would you think he would be on? Palm trees that are 4 or 5 story high? Or think threes that are full of leaves to cover him? or trees that have bare branches that resemble his perches so that he can stand comfortably and scratch his beak?


I really doubt a palm tree, to high and no good landing. Bushes and trees are more likely because they are easy to land on regardless of how good the bird can fly. I would also think a more leafy tree because he is scared and would use the leaves for cover (thats only my opinion)


3. When I first got Sindbad, he made minimal sounds until he got used to us and the new environment. When I lost him he was making sounds most of the time whenever we were around unless we have him with us on the couch. He stopped making any noise when covered his cage and started the minute we uncovered it and took him out. Would you think he would be making noises nowadays in the wild, or would that be minimal too? What would be the best time you think he would be vocalizing?

YES he will be making sounds. YOU know when he vocalizes (probably 1st thing in the morning) look for him at these times.


I wish I could help you more. If you have any more questions or if I was not clear on anything please ask again.

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We never had a call and response in this fashion. But I know he responds most to "Boussah" he does not respond in sounds but he rushes to me to give me a kiss and sometimes he repeats the word.


Today I got a call from someone who gave me the phone number of a lady who found a parrotin her backyard. I called but she told me that she found a "green" parrot in her backyard and the owner already came and took it back. This means the guy I met yesterday was right when he thought he saw a green parrot, and as such, my beloved Sindbad has not been sighted ever since he was lost. This is really depressing to me. Every time I feel that I got close to him, things get back to sqaure one!!! I also get more concerned the more time goes by without him being at least sighted.

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Ok then when you are looking for him call out "Boussah"

These are smart creatures. He will recognize your voice.


All you can do is hope that he will take action and respond in some manner. He will definitely want to get back to you. He just doesn't know how.


I definitely feel calling for him is a lot better than looking for him with a pair of binoculars.


Good Luck, and I really expect you will get him back. You've done everything right... posting flyers, posting on Craigslist, and calling the pounds, walking around looking for him. It might take awhile but do not give up.


Also, I would maybe call the pounds back every couple of days to see if he's turned up. Someone else could be working there and have different info than the last person you talked to.<br><br>Post edited by: SFsailor, at: 2009/12/31 06:51

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Another thought, have lots of his favorite treats with you. If he hears you calling out "Boussah" he will become alert and if he is anything like my grey he will be able to "smell" his treat and hopefully come out. My grey is most verbal in the early morning. Don't give up!!! Good thoughts and prays coming Sindbad's way. Be strong!

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