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Flew away :( Any hope in retrieving him?


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Hi every one. I have bad news. My sweet African grey, " Sindbad," flew away two and half houes ago. I brought him to the office today and he was scared of every thing, and I kept calming him and helt him most of the time. I stept out of the office to talk to the mechanic (I have a small dealership) and I was holding him... and suddenly for no apparent reason he flew in one direction then to another and went up high. I tried to follow him but the sun blinded me for a few seconds and when I was able to look I couldn't see him... there were many birds flying above. I've been walking in the nighborhood since then and I was not able to find him. What do you advise? I feel so bad. I know he must be scared now, and I'm feeling horrible. Please advise.... do you think there's any hope? What should I do?

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There is always hope. Put posters up with Sindbad's picture up around the area. Call the local vet offices and put up flyers just in case someone brings in a new grey. Post lost posters in the local stores and in local pet shops. Talk to people in the area. I am so sorry. I hope you get some helpful information from your neighborhood. Don't give up, Sindbad needs you.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/12/24 17:14

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Hugs. I know you must be blaming yourself. Don't. At least right now. It won't help.


Since I am totally new to parrots I did a quick google search for you so you won't have to. Then you have some ideas while waiting for the most experienced members to offer help.




From that article comes this:


Familiar Surroundings: Even if you cannot see your bird, he may be watching you. Your bird may be too scared to come down and see you, so entice him. Put his cage outside, full of his favorite junk-food, and leave the door open. If your bird has a feathered pal, put him outside, too (in a locked cage). Only attempt this if you are home and watching the cage(s) carefully. This may entice him to come down. If you have a dog/cat that your bird doesn't like, be sure to keep them far away from the cage.

3. Make Some Noise: If there are noises or words that your bird likes, walk the neighborhood making those sounds. Listen carefully, your bird might talk back!


Good luck. read the whole link. It has more helpful things in it but I thought the cage idea and the vocalizings sounded familiar from my current glut of reading material.

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I'm having really dark thoughts of him being scared and lonely... or being messed up with by someone who catches him and does not handle him right. This is not the best neighborhood. I also don't know what to do when I go home and he's not in there!!! Please every one, if you're reading this pray for him and me. I'll work on the poster idea.... and I may get his cage from home and put it here outside.

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Aww I am so so sorry to read this :( I will be praying for you and little Sindbad. The advice people gave you was great as far as all I have read. Also offer a reward. People are more apt to return him then. Also call any vets offices in the surrounding areas and pet stores and ask if you can place posters there. Other bird lovers might try to keep a close eye out for him when they know he is missing. There are also certain times of days that he may be more active, I think early morning when the sun is coming up and dusk. Someone correct me if I am wrong. Look all around in trees anywhere around there too. *hugs* Hope you find your baby soon!!!

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Hope is never lost. There have been several posts in the forums of identical incidents. And many of the birds have been recovered. Search the forums. PM the people who had lost their birds and find out what they did. Some of the members here have gone to extreme lengths to recover their lost birds.


Above all do not give up.


All my thoughts are with you and Sindbad.

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Sindbad wrote:

I'm having really dark thoughts of him being scared and lonely... <Sinp> Please every one, if you're reading this pray for him and me. I'll work on the poster idea.... and I may get his cage from home and put it here outside.


Those dark thoughts and apprehension are normal...I know and have been through it 2x unfortunately. It is like losing a child.


I am praying for a swift return.


The others have given good advice.


yes, do place his cage in open view where you suspect he may be.


Place the posters up as others already mentioned AND advertise a Good $$$$ Reward for retuning him if found and a smaller reward if they have him "In Sight" and you get there and can in fact see him.


Post notices on parrots 911, craigslist etc. for our area. Many people watch those and do look for your Parrot. Also, many people that have aviaries outside seem to attract birds when they are lost and will check all these different sites when a bird shows up. They know how broken hearted the owner is to get them back.


Godspeed to you in this search.

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Thank you all for your great advice. I did email Parrot 911, and posted an ad on Craigslist. I also made flyers and will post them every where. I have been walking a couple of blocks in every direction around the dealership. May be I can hear him vocalizing. By the way, he was lost in Long Beach, CA, just in case any of you lives in the area. Thank you all again for your prayers, which I need very badly. Merry X-mass.

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I am so sorry to hear about Sindbad. Do your best to stay strong and not blame yourself. I have read of people who lost their bird and can still hear them in their yard years later. These people have suggested looking at night when they are most likely to be making noise. Search high and low because he may be under things as well. Some of the stories I read suggest getting night vision goggles. This helped the people see their bird and call to him. Try getting a cage outside with his favorite treats. Try this website to report him lost



This one is some tips



You and Sindbad are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and never give up. Keep the faith.<br><br>Post edited by: caseyandmikey, at: 2009/12/24 20:08

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Hi every one. Unfortunately, no news other than continuing the search. I just came back from Long Beach where he was lost. I put more posters every where. I'm feeling that the more time passes, the less hope there would be of his return. Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you all for your support.

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My friend's CAG flew away too. He put up posters in the neighborhood and someone found his CAG, called him and he got back his baby 3 days later. The bird was found 15 doors away from his home. His grey was trying to find his way home as he flew away the opposite direction. Hope your grey will return to you.

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One more little place to look for help is with the pet shops near the place he was last seen. They might post your name and address for someone who comes looking for a cage if they are trying to take care of a found bird by themselves. They may not know what the owner goes through. If you can post in the break room for employees and offer a reward for putting your name to anyone coming in to buy a cage, it is another way of making contacts. My heart is with you.

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