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How much Harrisons do you feed? Measured?


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I have not bought a scale yet (it is on the list) and was wondering how much Harrisons you feed every day. I am unsure how much my grey should be eating so I figured the best way to find out was to see what you guys are doing and how much you put in their bowls everyday.


Lately I have been putting about 20 cubes (High Potency Coarse) into Cosmo's bowl and at the end of the day there is usually only about 5-10 missing and of those, atleast half are cracked up and on the bottom floor of the cage. That seems like a lot of waste to me. Maybe he isnt actually eating the Harrisons at all (even though I do see him holding them in his foot and chewing on them sometimes) I do feed him a generous amount of soak, as well as fresh broccoli and snap peas, and carrots every day.


Any suggestions on the amount of Harrisons to offer? Do you measure what you put in the bowl everyday? Is there wasted food on the bottom of the cage?

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I do not measure the Harrisons. I just put in about 10 or 15 cubes and call it good. My Grey wastes 90%, as you describe.


I also give him a seed mix by Kaytee called Fiesta blend. They need protein and if they are not eating the pellets well, they need some seeds and nuts, especially when molting. Greys need around 18 to 20 % protein from their diet daily.


The veggies provide the vitamins they need.

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I just put about 15- 20 Harrison's pellets in the bowl in the morning and then more in the evening along with nuts, seeds and other foods. Whisper wastes a lot also. This is normal for birds. I am sure they are eating some of it and dropping some of it.


This is normal. Food is plentiful in the wild and they are programmed to choose the best morsels and drop the rest. Besides that, have you seen the way the pellets crumble up?


Also they will waste more if you give them too much.

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