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personality difference between genders?


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Those of you who have had a lot of experience, do you find that Greys have a difference in personality that is gender specific? I asked at the end of another thread I wrote but wanted to make sure it isn't missed. I know there are very few differences physically and mostly only breeders can tell without a dna test. But I am more interested in knowing if there tends to be difference in behavour.

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My experience with my two (all the other Greys I have met have been males), yes. And it's noticable.


Comparing Phoenix's "back off" or fright scream to Talulas: I can tell. Talula sounds like a girl, her pitch is higher and she shreikes where Phoenix has more of a grunt-like squawk.


I see a difference, but one of mine (Talula) is bigger than the other. Talula's color is lighter and I notice her head is shaped different, her neck is a lot longer, and her body is shaped different. Hard to describe but she's just got more curves, esp the rump area around the tail, compared to my boy.


Now those are mostly physical traits. For personality:


Talula is far more sky and skiddish. She will run away if someone new comes in and she is unsure. Flight is her natural first response, evident in how she stares upward looking for a branch to perch in and get away from the situation.


Phoenix charges head first in the unknown like a soldier. He will walk up to someone new and assert his dominance immediately. He will try to pick a fight with Talula and he's known to sit and wait for people to walk by just to try and bite their coats/clothes as they walk by (winter time blues I call it).


Talula is a talker, Phoenix is very quiet. She has an extensive vocabulary, he has an extensive set of voices to which you hear one of 5 phrases said in.


She will scream/cluck at the slightest movement. He is like a snake: quiet until ready to strike.


I don't know if you put me in a room with mixed sexes if I could easily tell them apart but I think I have opposite spectrum birds. One is very much male and one is very much female, they make it well known in how they act (her preening is totally different from his in how hard she goes at it and the pattern to which she grooms).


I've read that females are harder to win the trust of, but are more loving when you do. I can't attest to this as I've not had experience with Talula that really backs that up per se. I have no reason to doubt it, however.


I really had no choice when it came to adopting mine. I saw a bird in need and took it home, figured the rest would come naturally.

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I know nothing of males but I can tell you about my female 2yrs old. She is small. The vet called her a petite and dainty little thing. She is very neat and clean compared to my male Amazon. Her cage is very easy to clean. She tries to do all her messing outside her cage and will go out of the way to keep from pooping on me. Like I said very neat and dainty.


She is sweet and cuddly but only with me. She is also skittish and the slightest thing will spook her. she has a vocabulary of over 150 phrases (I stopped counting) and talks non-stop. Yak, Yak, Yak. Like I said typical female.:lol:

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I dont know about male greys, I have never had one, but ecodweeb,and Char, My girl sounds just like yours, Very shy, and skittish, She doesnt talk yet, but she is only about 9 months old. She trusts me, and is EXTREMELLY lovey dovey, But if I am wearing something she has never seen before, She doesnt trust me anymore, and she is afraid, at least for about 30 min's, Then she realizes it is still "mommy" under there, lol, So its all good :)


She is a real sweetheart :)

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Well reading this I'd have to say Tobie is every bit the boy child that his DNA tested him to be. He flings his food - but only if he has an audience. Usually he makes sound effects of a (whistle splat) crash as he flings each piece of food to the floor. Or some times he just keeps saying "quit that" as he tosses each piece out of the cage. He has no compunction about where he poops and his favorite sound effect sounds like a fart. He has a raspy male voice. He likes to announce to the word that "Tobie has a red butt". He likes his head rubbed once in a while but prefers a rousing game of gotcha.

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