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Hey guys, at first I was a little concerned that my CAG was to docile, and I was trying to teach him how to play, but he just looked at my like I was nuts... No comment! LOL!


Anyway, I've now noticed that during the days I'm home, he actually spends some time playing, and some time resting, so I'm hoping that he does this when I'm at work as well.


The big thing that I've been noticing though, is that he can get very rambunctious (sp?) while playing, he puffs up and lunges at his toys while letting out an awful scream. Then he lets out a sweet whistle before starting the attack again, sometimes punctuated with some clicks!


Is this normal play for them? Paco is just over 6 months, is not speaking (often) yet, and has a very sweet disposition and loves head scratches. Do they all get this caught up during play? I know I read that you just leave them as their eyes are often pinwheeling as well, I just carry on with my day and let him have his excitement, but what a shock it gave me the first few times I heard it?!?!?!?! I thought something got into his cage!

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It is fun, but boy does he get into it when he gets going! I don't normally see that behaviour because I'm at work when he starts, between 1-2 pm. In the evenings when I'm home he usually just plays quietly with toys on his playtop, no screaming and attacking like he does during the day!

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Hi, I'm a new grey owner also, my Biscotti is also just 6 mo. & he does exactly what your bird is doing. The first few times I heard him do this I thought he had gotten hung up on a toy or something, but no he was just playing "jungle bird"- man what a noise!! Now I'm used to what he does at different times of the day, he is most active in the morning, playing & jabbering till he comes out to fly around & make alot of noise, then about 1:30 in the afternoon he spends a good hour or so with talking (trying) & sound effects session. Evenings he is quietest & plays on his stands & watches TV till bedtime.

Yours probably has his own routine that is completely normal for him. They are such characters!! Enjoy!

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Whisper gets crazy with her toys sometimes too but you should see my Amazon play fight with his toys! He is hilarious! Much more active and playful that my Grey. He will grab one hanging toy with one foot and another with the other foot and hang there suspended upside down flapping and screaming.:laugh:

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