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Goofy as ever :P


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Yoshi is back, and as goofy as ever :P


After our week and a half vacation, Yoshi came back home yesterday and is in good shape. Apparently she gained a little weight while we were gone, as she got lots of goodies and had a good time at her vacation home!


Once again we brought her home an exciting new toy from the breeder lady who took care of her while we were away. She always gets a returning home toy for being good :) She's so spoilt!


She just had a shower with me, as she hadn't had one in a week, and is now super excited at all the attention she is getting, as my husband and I are off this entire week so almost no cage time for her!


Just an update, I will be posting some pics of her and her new toys in the pictures section :P

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It's great to hear that everything went well & everybody had a good time! I have not left Biscotti for an overnight trip yet & am a little apprehensive to trust someone else with his care. It's wonderful Yoshi's breeder will board him for you in a familier environment!

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