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Bird THEFT !!


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I have just had a phone call to tell me that there has been a Theft of an African grey very close to my home.

The intruder got in and killed the Dog living there and trashed the home and then stole there bird.

It was because they could hear him from outside, Ben is very vocal and I can clearly here her outside, this has got me worried because we have been burgled 3 times in the past before Ben was here, Tevish barks but has never bitten anybody.


I am getting very worried.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

U should teach ur dog that biting intruders is a good thing. :evil: sum people have it coming. :evil: it wouldnt be a bad idea to teach ur bird to bite unwelcome hands as well. Mines do it all the X. i never punish them for it. :silly: of coarse i use positive reenforcment techniques. :)

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That's terrible news and would have me worried too. Your story reminds me that, while all the valuables in my house are insured, there's one that could never be replaced, and that's Sam. I doubt an intruder would have any interest in our three cats, but a parrot in a cage!? $$$$$!!! Having Sam stollen would be much like having my best friend kidnapped. It would be horrible. If it ever happens I could only hope that I'd be able to find the thief by following the trail of blood and pieces of fingers that Sam would leave behind.

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Tell your friend that since the bird was stolen, notify the police immediately. Put up flyers, post the information on the Internet, and let all the local veterinarians and bird or pet shops know. Have some good recent pictures of the bird and be sure the person know any distinguishing features that might help someone recognize the bird. If possibe, know the band information if the bird is banded; however, many thieves cut these bands off so this is not always helpful. Keep an eye on classified ads in local papers to see if someone is advertising the bird. However, do not attempt to confront a suspected thief by yourself. He might have a weapon. In some cases, thieves have been physically violent with bird owners.

Many times it helps to report thingsespecially since there's been other burglaries.

Just a suggestion

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My house was broken into 10 years ago. My cameras and some cash were stolen. I had all the doors and windows installed with solid iron grille(like prison)since then. The money was well spent. I could leave for holidays with worrying so much. Usually thieves target easy entry house. Consider that.

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When I bought Harvey I was given a really helpful leaflet about "parrot security" - including things like keeping the cage out of view of windows, padlocks to the cage etc. Obviously once a grey is under a jacket or a blanket it will go quiet and easily smuggled out of the home. The padlock is a deterrent as they can't be bothered with trying to get it off - just a quick smash and grab.


Like Ben, Harvey is very vocal and you can hear him out in the stree - especially in the summer when he's in the conservatory - or indeed when I have him in the garden.


I hope these beasts are caught. Thanks for the heads up Bernie x

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Thanks for all the advice everybody, Dave I dont know the owner, but it was on the local news as well as my phone call.

Our house is like a fort now after the last brake in we now have double laminated double glazing and a scumbag alarm linked to the police station.


I also have a baseball bat at hand, and if things get any worse I will put a picture of the Mother-out-law in the window with a sign saying WELCOME! :woohoo: :woohoo:


Or try nextdoor they are out. :laugh:

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As it happens, I have some free time and am willing to sit in for the mother-in-law photo Bernie. We will have to set a cunning trap for these intruders and teach them a lesson they will never forget. In all seriousness though, Dave is right of course, it is best to be as cautious as you can, take good care and don't invite trouble with the riff raff.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

golf clubs are better than baseball bats. :evil: enter @ ur own risk. Go for the cage and Molly will single beakedly remove ur fingers. :evil: Sorry intruders if u dont play fair then prepare to suffer the conseqences. :( someone had to say it. :( my birds arent into being manhandled especiallly by strangers. :side:<br><br>Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/12/23 13:18

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OMG that is horrible :( Poor doggie and poor,poor baby bird that is trapped off with these *****@#! If someone steals Shakazulu ever they better hope the police find them before I do. That just makes me so angry. I really hate thieves, and these are the worst kind, murderers too since they killed the dog. Will pray these people find their bird and those monsters are caught!

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