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Sick of being bitten!


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Julie I hope the biting stops or lessens rather. There have been a couple of times that shaka zulu has been moody with me for a few days and bitten pretty hard and that is not typical for him at all. I do think it may be hormonal because of the wing flapping thing too. Shaka zulu often tries to regurgitate for me and when he does he lowers his wings and all that. He has also raised them up before and slowly flapped them. It was during this whole show of love he does lol So I am definitely no expert but it is possible that it has to do with that. Good luck and let us know what the vet says :)

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Thank you summer (love your username btw ;-)) The dance of love is definately not directed at me LOL, Argyle hates me! The subject of his desire is Steve (when it suits him though) but it has now been 6 months and things are not improving other than maybe the odd few days. Yesterday Argyle (renamed Sid as in vicious recently lol) was the worst I have seen him and it looks like I'm going to have to reluctantly put to the vet the possibility of lightly clipping him, not a road I ever wanted to go down but we need to gain control because at the moment he is boss - and knows it. Yesterday be bit me four times, this morning one of my fingers is still bruised and swollen. I cannot allow the possibility of this happening to my son (he does go for the face, ears and neck) because I didn't take the advice (about clipping) given to me back in November. I'm afraid I've tried and failed with him. What is worse for him? 1. a light clip so he can't fly onto our shoulders against our will or 2. Him being confined to his cage the the rest of his life because he is being allowed out less and less atm or worse still 3. re-homing him yet again - he is pre-owned.


I'll be honest here, I do feel I've failed with Argyle.

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Joolesgreyuk wrote:

I'll be honest here, I do feel I've failed with Argyle.


Don't you dare say that! You took in Argyle and gave him the home he'd never had. I know the frustration you are going through with Argyle and how upset you are about your relationship with him. I know it's the last route you would ever want to go down (and you know my views about this!) but only you know what is needed to protect you and your family.


My last, last, last bit of advice would be to take him to an AV - I know it seems a bit silly as he's not ill - but it's best to explore every inch to try and discover why he reacts like this, before the dreaded clip!


I had 17 years of a vicious cockatiel Julie - I adopted him too - this is how the previous owners had made him, and I couldn't tame him :( He still had a happy, long, loved life. I know how you feel.


Only you can make this decision - a one I know you won't take lightly ;)

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I think Jill's advice for making double sure there is no underlying cause for the behaviour is the way I would go. I really feel bad for you, knowing how frustrating (read soul destroying!) it is when a much loved animal is mean to you! I really hope you can get passed this with him and find a sollution you can all be happy with.

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I know it is hard to say which is more painful the bite itself or the hurt feelings because of the bite. I think they are right about the AV. The wing clipping thing might help, I know that is a tough decision for you to make :( You have definitely not failed with him. I see from all your posts that you are a good parront. He is just being a difficult 2-3 year(emotionally) old now hehe


Do you know how his life was with his first owner? Maybe it is still baggage from that.


edited to say: and thank you about the user name btw, my name really is Summer hehe<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2010/01/12 03:42

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Speaking of getting bitten LOL My usually loveable, cuddle bug just bit the @$!% out of my finger for no apparent reason lol He was holding my finger with his claws and then while he held my finger so I could not get away easily he chomped down on it :( Ah well I guess I could get bitten worse. I thought I had kind of gotten use to the pain if his bites but I did try and yank my hand back that time because he got the end of my finger and that hurt!...lol Then he wanted to give me a kiss two seconds later. He gets angry when I am at the computer I think, I cannot scratch his head enough when I am typing.

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