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I would like to know if you guys can help me out? I have a 3 year old Lessor Schalkie and want him to accept my new african grey Millie. She is 2 mnths and 3 weeks old. Schalkie is a bit jealous and I think treaten by the size of Millie. How do I introduce them to one another? Schalkie somtimes like to scream and I am afraid that Millie will also start doing it.

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What is a "Lessor Schalkie"? Never heard of it and a web-search comes up with no results. :-)


They will introduce thamselves on their own terms.


Do as Ecodweeb suggested to let them become familiar with one another at a distance. Jealousy is normal for all critters. :-)

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You can slowly introduce the birds by making sure that they have no physical contact for a while. That may mean weeks. Each needs their own cage and space.

There is the Lesser Crested Cockatoos and Greater Crested Cockatoos. I'm gonna assume that you have a cockatoo and if so, your cockatoo will be very loud as it gets older. That's common for them and it's one of the reasons that they wind up in different homes.

Yes, the grey will definitely pick up many different bird sounds that the TOO does, even the screeching. They won't pick up existing human words though.


If you do have a cockatoo,you need to be careful because as they get older, they will periodically bite other birds and a cockatoo is much bigger than a grey.


Watch the cockatoo for excessive nervousness. Too much tension will cause a cockatoo to pluck their feathers.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/12/22 20:56

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A Lessor is family of the Black Wing Jardine it's colour is floresent green with bright orange feathers on the legs, under the wings and on top of the beak. They are not big birds. Thank you so much for the advice I have introduced them to one another and was surprise that there where no aggression. Millie my African Grey did not even bother and just carry on doing her thing. Schalkie my Lessor is jealous and showing it by being reluctant to come to me and nipping me. I do give him a lot of attention.

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As far as not wanting your grey to pick up the other birds' scream I think the only thing you can do is to ignore the smaller bird when he does it. The last thing you want your grey to see is Schalkie getting attention when he screams. If Millie does start making that noise, and lets face it, there's an excellent chance she will:blink: , you'll have to go through the process of teaching her not to do it. This is the main reason I've never brought home one of the budgies or canaries from the pet store where Dorian came from. It took almost two years for him to stop doing the budgie scream he learned while he was there:S

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