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Mimicking that you don't want!!!


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I've had quite a heavy cold (not flu - had my jabs) for the past 5 days or so - my nose is so red that I could guide the sleigh on Thursday night!


Yesterday after blowing my nose for the millionth time I realised there was an echo. It was Harvey, mimicking EXACTLY my nose blowing technique!! Oh how gracious!!


Let's hope that during Christmas dinner with the family round he doesn't decide to entertain with his latest display! :laugh:

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Hey, just teach him the right timing for the nose blow.


Do this when watching movies and when they reach sad parts, have Harvey blow his nose etc. :P


Sorry youve been under the weather. Harvey is VERY high empathic senses, even down to the nose runs. ;-)

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Jill, that's a great story and parallels mine very closely.


About a month ago I had a cold which aggrivated my mild asthma and left me with a wheezy cough. Well, you guessed it, Sam has asthma too because he'll burst into a coughing fit mid-chatter at random times. He has a number of variations which made me realize I must cough in many different ways. It's hilarious! Sometimes its just a short 2-cough wheeze, others more of a longer coughing fit.


Then there's his mimick of a sound you REALLY don't want him to do for company. When he does it, I accuse him of learning it from his mother, NOT ME, because I'd NEVER do such a thing. :whistle: He farts. Not only that, but if someone in the house farts audibly, there's often an echo that comes from the cage. My 23 year old daughter came over last week to visit and we weren't home, they came in to play video games until we got back from town. Her boyfriend hearing Sam making various noises said. "Too bad he doesn't make farting sounds." My daughter says she smiled :evil: and made the noise with her mouth. Sam replied, which sent her boyfriend into fits of laughter. :laugh:


Gotta love these little guys!



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I too have a couple birds who love the sounds of sneezing and coughing but one of them has taken it all a bit further...I sometimes sleep in the same room where 2 of the greys night cages are, and I do that due to a husband snoring! Anyways, he has always said that I do too....I always tell him that I don't and never have...UNTIL, the last few weeks, maybe due to sinus and dry air? I have woken myself up to a loud SNORT ...that is from ME! So, lately, one of the greys is making this same loud snort on and off throughout the day....Ugh...I wouldn't admit this to anyone in person! Argh..:blush:

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Jill, I am home alone quite a bit of the time, and while I can admit to you that I do make ungracious noises, I immediately say "Daviiiiidd" in a chiding tone. That way if a clever bird imitates unladylike sounds, any hapless guest who might hear the repeat is also going to believe Java learned all the bad habits from my husband. Always thinking ahead with a cunning plan, LOL. Of course, I am quickly going to phone your husband so he uses this tactic to teach Harvey to say "Jill you are soooo rude"

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Casper mimics all the above mentioned noises, lol. This week he has learnt two new ones. After each sneeze he now says "bless you" instead of f****sake, which is brill, and he shouts "baked beans" at the top of his voice, thats through my son Gary messing about. So at the moment it's quite hilarious at home.

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I can only imagine with a teenager in the home.:blink:


I have a friend who said his Grey all of the sudden started making these loud rude belching noises. He was confounded because he said he does not do that. He has 2 teenagers at home. I told him that is the source. Just the kind of thing that teens think is funny.:laugh:

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JillyBeanz wrote:

So, the solution is "get rid of the teenagers" - I'm up for that - any offers on a 15 year old and 17 year old!!!! :woohoo:


Nope! Mine is now 26. I cannot believe he lived this long becuase between the ages of 15 to 18 I thought I would KILL him.

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Haha, Stazel had picked up sneezing and a smokers cough from the house we got her from.


When we first got her she was sneezing and sneezing. I actually got a phone call from my mother freaking out because the bird was sick. I had to explain to her that she was just imitating.. ha

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Ha Ha! His latest escapade was last night - we were watching a film and after he's chewed his toys to death, eaten himself silly and isn't quite happy he's being ignored he starts babbling on and mumbling away. I kept saying "Harvey, sshhhh" and yip, you've guessed it - after a few times he was saying "Ssssh". I give in! ;)

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