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Travel & Weather Question


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Hi all,


I love this forum. I have been away for a while. My Dad got very sick last Thanksgiving and passed away this past September. Needless to say I am a mess and not social at all. However that is another forum thread. I will cut to the chase I just wanted to appologize for being absent.


THis Christmas and New Year my husband and I are traveling from the Florida Keys to Northern Virginia (Wash. DC area) well as you all may or may not know, DC and the East coast got slammed with a blizzard. We are driving and we are taking Booty Goo (our 2 year old Congo African baby girl) and Penny Lane our 6 month old rescue who is a big mix of cuteness.


My question is ... I dont know whether we should take Booty Goo or not. Not that I am not already completely neurotic with her being subjected to things, but I am really concerned about the cold, the inside heat just everything. I dont know what to do. Our house is completely chemical free. We only use organiz or home made cleaning products, etc. I know my Mom uses things that I do not in her house (things that non parrot owners use, ha). Sorry for rambling, but basically I am concerned about her being in the cold and then in the inside heat and then back down to the Keys again. Another thing, we our moving to Charleston, SC at the end of January and I dont know if all of this change would be good for her.


When we fly somewhere she stays at the Pet Store that we purchased her. Very Mom & Pop store. All birda and the staff adores her.


What to do? I think it would be best for her to stay here in the Keys, but is that just me being a complete and total worry wort. HELP!

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It does depend on how long you are going for I guess. With the chemicals could you not take your own cleaning stuff and ask you mum to use those for the period you are there, surely she will understand.


We take our 2 with us and we are in the middle of a snow storm at the moment. What's to worry about with the cold as long as you heat up the car. We even walk ours from the house to the car and it's -13 degrees outside and we have never had any problems, we just cover the cage with a blanket. What sort of heating is inside? I can't see that being a problem either.


Maybe she will be excited by the trip if she likes riding in the car

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First I want to say I am terribly sorry for your loss, I can not relate to your pain right now, but I know that it is great as I watched my mother melt down during the first Christmas without her dad not very long ago.


With this in mind you're not crazy, you're just stressed out. You can't imagine losing another loved one right now, and because of this, you've entered into an extreme mommy mode of sorts. You want to ensure everything is perfectly OK as you just can't afford to spend any more time worrying.


Given the situation, I think mom would be best surprised if you told her "No cleaning, let us handle it. We want to try some new products while we are here."


In fact, I'd let mom sit on the sofa and not let her near the kitchen (PTFR/Teflon/Nonstick cookwares) or cleaning closet ... that way you provide two benefits: mom gets to take a rest (I am sure she's just as upset if not more) and also you know your birds are in a pretty safe environment.


YOu didn't mention any other pets being there, so I assume it would be just the parrots. If either are big talkers this might be a good thing for mom. I don't know her situation, but I know my grandmother strongly considered a parrot for company after losing my grandfather... instead her sister moved in (she still says the parrot was the better bargain).


The others advice is what I would suggest: use blankets to cover cages while transporting, warm the car before you put them into it, drive cautiously, etc etc.


Karma to you, because you need it right now.

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Wow. I am at a loss for words with all of your thoughtfulness, encouraging words and advice, and I am crying right now. I am in Mommy overdrive because I want my little girls to always be safe while trying to cope with our loss. My Dad LOVED our Booty Goo (African Grey) and met our Penny Lane (6 mo. old terrier mix) days before he passed. My Mom absolutely adores Booty Goo so she would make any changes necessary for her safety.


I cant remember if I mentioned or not that we were driving. It will take about 17 hours to get there. I am not looking forward to the long drive but am anxious to see my Mom. She totally understands everything about candles, potpouri, teflon etc. I just read everything about what is good and what isnt good for our girls and I stay away from anything that would harm them. Yes, I am that neurotic that when we first got Booty Goo I had my friends (guests) blow dry their hair outside because you just never know. Thankfully we live in the Florida Keys so it wasnt so bad. Now I have a Chi and apparently there is no teflon in it.


Anyway I know I am rambling. Oh, also we are driving at night and will probably only pull over for 2 hours at a time to sleep. I am just in knots over this. I want her to be with us and I dont want her to be without us for two weeks, but then if she stays at the pet store which is not your normal pet store very small and family oriented, she was born there and one of the ladies that works there took her home and hand fed her and taught her how to kiss. So cute. So I know she would be very happy there. The last time she was there, one of the girls walked in and said 'why isnt the radio on" and the other said 'oh you'll know why' then she listened for a moment and Booty Goo started singing. She loves the pet store because they all know her and treat her special. I guess the moral of the story is I want her to travel with us and I dont know if I am being neurotic or if she should stay with her birdy friends. I dont know.


However I am thinking as I write this, that perhaps this drive would not be the best because I am a mess anyway, I dont want her to stress out because she feels us stressing out also, when we get back we are moving 3 weeks later. I think she should have fun with her birdie friends.


Any suggestions on the total an complete mess in the Florida Keys.


Any advice would be great, the vet told me to make sure she wasnt in a draft and that she may get dry skin, so we are bring our aloe with us so we can mist her and give her a bath.

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I would take Booty Goo with you to northern Virginia. I live in southwest VA and we have about 15 to 18 inches of snow but the main roads are fairly clear, you shouldn't have much problem if you are up to the trip mentally. I think your Mom would enjoy having Booty Goo there and of course she would love being with you, just follow the other's advice. Take along toys for her to play with, food for her to eat and fresh water, in fact take extra water in case the water where you are going is different. For example, if I take Josey where I know clorinated water is what they have I take some of my well water which doesn't have any.

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She has ridden in the car before hasn't she? She should be fine, I take Josey with me when I visit my son, that is a 4+ hour drive but others have taken their grey on longer trips and they do fine, I think she would want to be near you and it would help you to not worry about leaving her behind.

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Judy thank you so much!!! I appreciate so much advice. Yes,she has ridden in the car for 5 hours before and she did just fine. I think it will be good for her and great for me to get through this one trip... I will keep you all posted. Maybe my neurosis will help others on this site. Thank you again so much!

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