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Hello, Im shaun from peterborough


Ive had my parrot now for over 6 years.. now he lets me play with him but must admit there is not alot of trust, ive gone to stroke his head this morning and he bit me... and drawn blood this isnt the first time hes done this...point is im getting very annnoyed now..if someone doesnt come up with a solution hes up for sale..




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Hello Shaun and welcome.


First, please don't put the responsibility on us for whether you sell your Grey or not. You've had him 6 six years and that did not develop overnight.


There is not an "Instant" cure for biting and all parrots for the most part will bite at some point. It is your responsibility to have learned his body language and eyes pinning to avoid the bite.


Yes, they are tricky, sly and FAST and sometimes we don't see it coming quick enough. But, we do learn their "moves" like putting the head down for a scratch and then the minute you touch the head they flip the head around and clamp down. Greys are known for this and we have all learned that move and are prepared to move our hand before they bite most times.


You say you were "Playing" with your Grey. Well, they can get too excited just like us depending on how you are playing and perhaps in that moment of excitement you pissed him off and BAM, he bit you. I have done this before and knew I got my bird too excited. My fault, not his.


Your Grey is fully mature and an adult. They become much more reserved and aloof when that old. It is also molting season and mating season. So you have multiple factors playing into this that spell biting incidents at a high level of probability, especially with hormones raging kicking in.


Since you have already basically stated he is up for sale. I would suggest finding a loving parrot person with experience that would be will to take in this Grey and give it a home that is willing to work with time and patience to at least slow the biting down or just learn to avoid those situations so they no longer take place.


The important thing, is to find a loving and good home for him. Not the first 700 offered by some inexperienced person that does not know what they are getting in to.


I wish the best for your Grey.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/20 13:47

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I read it and thought you were annoyed for living in Peterborough - I would be too ;)


I hope someone does buy your grey and he goes to a loving home - he clearly doesn't have one where he is!


I wonder if I can put the kids up for sale - they annoy me!!!


As Dan describes - greys do bite - the old "flip their head" routine is one of the best in the business.


Good luck in finding a new owner - but please sell him responsibly - not in the Sunday Sun!

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Shaun, I am shocked that you have had your grey for six years and you are willing to give him up because he bites you, you obviously didn't do much research before you bought this bird or you would know this is all normal behavior.


I hope you do find a good home for this grey as he deserves better than to be treated this way for its not his fault, it is yours for not understanding him.


My solution is, get a dog.

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