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Bismark - the Escape Artist


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So in recent days I have noticed peculiar events...I would come home from work and the small door to his cage would be open...There's only one simple latch on it, so I began locking it with a very thick zip-tie...


...after that, things went back to normal for a while...Then I came home one time last week and the front door to his cage was open...I figured that I didn't latch it properly, as there are two locks on the front door (one simple latch, the other a more complicated "parrot proof latch"). Then it happened again...and again...Bismark has figured out how to open the two latch door to his cage!! I honestly do not know how he does it, nor have i caught him in the act on camera.


So tomorrow I am going to Home Depot and purchasing two padlocks for his cage - I am afraid he will chew through the zip-tie after he figures out he cannot unlock the front door. I hate how the padlocks will make his cage look utilitarian and prison-like, but Bizzy has left me no choice.


However! I am thinking of putting the keys to the padlocks on a string very close to the locks - to give Bismark the opportunity to figure out how to put a key in the lock ;-)


Anywho, hope everyone is having a good night! We had a blizzard here in northern Virginia - over two feet of snow in front of my house!


Below I attached a picture of Bismark last night sleeping on my desk while I browsed the web and whatnot.



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Lately Phoenix has figured out how to open the food and water dish bowl door latches while out of his cage. He does it so quietly too. We didn't notice (at first) and put him up for the night, to find him ontop of the covered cage the next morning.


I am sure the look on my face was both terrifying and priceless when I saw this.


It took me a while to figure out exactly how he was doing this.


Clever little critters they are.

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