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Onset of Sexual Maturity in CAG`s


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Hi Everybody,


I have read various articles recently that state upwards of 60% of Male Congo African Greys switch preference with regard to there primary bonded human to an alternative family member at the onset of sexual maturity (approx 18mnths of age). This behaviour has been linked to the `genetically programmed` response of chasing off family members in there native environment in order to protect gene pool diversity and discourage in breeding. Contrary to this in another study conducted with Timneh owners 0% reported rejection of there primary bonded (preferred) human. Avian behavioral studies allege a reduced infancy term in TAG`s (approx 6 months) as the primary reason for the absence of this behavioural mechanism in the particular sub species. I would be gratefull of any input regarding personal experience of TAG and CAG ownership (post weaning age..i.e first owner) with regard to this apparent phenomenon.




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Guest Lidia

Well, that's partly right. They would become completely independent at around two, but sexual maturity comes later, sometimes as late as six or seven.

Earlier than that they would not have acquired the 'know how' they would need to function as a mate and possibly take care of chicks AND another nesting adult.

The bonding thing has a lot to do with the push for independence and the switching can happen when the original person with whom the bird bonded does not react well to the bird becoming more independent.

If it's any use to you, I've had Joshua since he was four months old and he's now eighteen years old and is still bonded to me (although he likes many other people too).<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/25 19:46

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I have a male CAG, brought him home when he was fully weaned and now he's about 3 2/3, when he first got home he wasn't bonded with anyone in particular, but within a few months he had bonded to my mom, and still is.

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Roxy is 6 months old on Saturday, although she is so attached to me that I can don anything with her I want, she loves my fiance, and likes my brother as well as one of my friends too.


She is starting to be independent, which is kind of cute, she used to scream for food, but now when I give her her food, she has this attitude of, "oh, food, you'd better give it to me, cause I'm your boss"


Don't think I helped you, but wanted to join in on the conversation.

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Hi Ian and Welcome to the Forum!


That was an informative post on the results of studies that have been conducted by several different groups.


As you can see by the experiences of Grey owners here, real life seems to be different depending on the segment of people you poll.


Here we have a worldwide group, that so far seems to include the opposite of the study you referred to.


I am hoping, when Dayo, my CAG reaches maturity is proven true, because right now, He favors my Wife over Me :pinch:


But, he does love and play with me all the time too when were are with him. He just gravitates to her before me right now.


Thanks for joining the forum and posting such a good topic for debate! :laugh:

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Hi Dan,


My CAG will tolerate other family members and will allow them to feed him and be in close proximity but disallows them to handle him. However he will allow other adult male relatives to handle and stroke him. Perhaps he views closer family members as a threat to the bond he has formed with myself?




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Hi Ian,


If your family member's are there everyday, as young as your CAG is, he should start viewing them as part of the community.


If they are there everyday, maybe they don't handle him as well as you and therefore your CAG has lost confidence in them?


The more interaction, with many different people is critical, at this young stage to ensure good socialization.


If not, you could end up with a "One Owner" CAG.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/26 16:39

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