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Guest jamalbirdbiz

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

This is an article i found on Best Friends Animal sanctuarys website about sweaters - they use them to protect there rescue birds from plucking themselves to pieces:



Some of the birds at Best Friends are feather pickers. And if a bird is a feather picker, the chest area is often the prime target.


That’s what’s great about the sweaters. They give the birds some protection, as well as distraction. It’s much harder to pick when there are all these cool patterns and colors to study. And a nice thick sock does take some time to chew through, after all.


After lots of practice, the caregivers at the Parrot Garden have found the perfect way to snip and trim a new adult-sized, mid-calf, stretchy sock into the perfect cardigan sweater. And any buttons, beads, patches, or toys attached to the sock-sweaters make them all the better at slowing down the feather-picking. Think of these doodads and thingamajigs as a parrot iPod or electronic game player. Who wants to pluck feathers when there are so many cool toys to enjoy?!

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

They dont call me an african grey expert for nothing. ;)



AFRICAN GREY EXPERT AND A TOP POSTER<br><br>Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/12/19 11:08

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Well, I went and found the site and the article on making the "Sock Sweaters".


They lost me instruction wise at:


"On the collar you can K1P1 or K2P2 whatever you feel like It is just go give it some stretch. "


Guess I will stick to the Aloe Juice, Red Palm Oil and keeping my birdy flighted.


Being a "Guy". I was thinking a "Full Body Cast" would stop the plucking as well. Easy for a guy to do to.


1) Mix plaster.

2) Dip bird in plaster.

3) Stick some Toys into the plaster before drying. 4) Blow dry until plaster is solid. :P


The bird will also make a good book rest if needed when your in a spot.... ;-)

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Gosh, Dan, I have followed your instructions - you are right - no mess, no noise, no destruction - those books stay on the shelves brilliantly! Thank you for your fantastic tip - karma for such inspiration!


PS. My next plaster of paris concept involves hamsters, chickens and goats, so please PM me if you have any spare ;)

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