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There was too much cloud deck for us to enjoy it then but last night we got glimpses through the veil of clouds. Did any of you see this update on Gamma flashes in our upper Atmo? Oh, I love the name of the spacecraft.

TERRESTRIAL GAMMA-RAY FLASHES: There's a mystery in the skies of Earth. Something is producing bright flashes of gamma radiation in the upper atmosphere of our own planet. A spacecraft called 'Firefly' is going to investigate: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2010/29jan_firefly.htm


That is a simply gorgeous photograph.<br><br>Post edited by: Greywings, at: 2010/02/01 15:34

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Polar cap of Mars- POLAR ACTIVITY ON MARS: Amateur astronomers monitoring Mars have noticed a sudden change in the appearance of the planet's arctic regions. "Over the weekend a dust stream appeared," reports Pete Lawrence of Selsey, UK, "and it is cutting across Mars' north polar cap." He photographed the activity using a 14-inch Celestron:


Polar dust storms are common at this time of year on Mars. It is springtime in the Martian north. Temperature differences between polar ice and darker regions to the south, which are heated by the springtime sun, stir up winds and streamers of rusty-red dust. In years past, the Hubble Space Telescope has observed dramatic dust storms at the edge of the northern polar cap--and now amateurs are seeing them, too. Train your optics here.

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I have some great news !!


I have been asked by the Hants Astro society to put my 16in telescope in a specialy built Observatory, not far from where I live, I had a meeting with them today and I have agreed to move it there this Saturday, in return I will be made a core team member of the society and have free membership :D:D:D

I will be able to get funded by there sponsers for some things and they have asked me to review some very expensive equipment so I will be able to show you all some better pics of the universe, this will be possable because my telescope will be on a motorised mount and polar aligned so I will be able to take pics of deep space objects not just the Moon and the planets.


The motorised mount will mean that the scope will track the stars at the precise speed and be able to get a clear positive shot, this I cant do now, I am very excited about it.


The reason My scope has been chosen is because the optics are very very near perfect, checked by a laser interferometer and the report is stunning.


In a nut shell if the main mirror was magnifed to the same curve of the Earth from the north pole to the south pole the largest imperfection would be smaller then 4 ins.


That is up to Hubble standards.


I am very chuffed.:D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Edited by Supernova
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My Scope is now in its new home :D and I cant wait to see the developement this coming year will bring, I have just had a call to let me know there are 8 well known Astronomers coming tonight to see it, but I cant be there because I have to go a wedding reception this evening :mad::mad::mad:

They are going to take some pics tonight with my scope and when I get them I will show you.

It is going to be featured on the front page of there magazine.


I am very happy.



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The wedding was great and I did a bit on stage that got a laugh hehe, anyway I got a call from the top man in the Asro group and he was gobsmacked with my scope, 7 turned up and they are going to do a write up in the magazine and the front cover pic of the scope.


It is becoming famous here and I think I could be left out a bit, but the plans for the observatory are moving up now they are all keen to help out.

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In a nut shell if the main mirror was magnifed to the same curve of the Earth from the north pole to the south pole the largest imperfection would be smaller then 4 ins.


Wow Bernie - that's very impressive! I'm just catching up on this thread - how exciting for you! Do make sure you keep a hand in - that's your baby! Don't let them leave you behind!

Glad the wedding went well. Now what on earth could you have done on stage that got a giggle.......?

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