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Hey gang did any of you get to see this footage of a Comet becoming part of our Sun? COMET TOAST: The solar system has one less comet. The subtraction occurred yesterday when a bright comet discovered by NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft plunged toward the sun and evaporated. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) had an excellent view of the encounter. Click on the image to set the scene in motion:

http://www.spaceweather.com/images2010/03jan10/comet_c2_anim.gif?PHPSESSID=k68hpaedue2t26ml17ci73lm11<br><br>Post edited by: Greywings, at: 2010/01/04 17:57

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Are you watching this one Bernie?

ASTEROID FLYBY: Is it an asteroid or a derelict spacecraft? Mystery object 2010 AL30 is flying past Earth today only 1/3rd the distance to the Moon, and telescopes around the world are watching. In Colombia, amateur astronomer Alberto Quijano Vodniza used a 14-inch Meade LX200 to record the close approach: What's up in Space

January 13, 2010

"2010 AL30 is the faint streak moving among the stars," says Vodniza. "The full-length animation reveals a second much brighter object. That's a satellite that happened to be passing by at the same time." Space is a busy place, it seems.


Discovered barely three days ago, 2010 AL30 is catalogued as a 10m-class asteroid. Curiously, however, its elliptical orbit has a period of almost exactly one year, the same as Earth. This raises the possibility that it might be a piece of some spacecraft from our own planet. NASA's Goldstone radar in the Mojave desert was scheduled to ping 2010 AL30 between 2:20 and 4:40 UTC on Jan. 13th. The echoes should reveal the nature of this interesting passerby. Stay tuned for updates.

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Greywings wrote:

Are you watching this one Bernie?

ASTEROID FLYBY: Is it an asteroid or a derelict spacecraft? Mystery object 2010 AL30 is flying past Earth today only 1/3rd the distance to the Moon, and telescopes around the world are watching. In Colombia, amateur astronomer Alberto Quijano Vodniza used a 14-inch Meade LX200 to record the close approach: What's up in Space

January 13, 2010

"2010 AL30 is the faint streak moving among the stars," says Vodniza. "The full-length animation reveals a second much brighter object. That's a satellite that happened to be passing by at the same time." Space is a busy place, it seems.


Discovered barely three days ago, 2010 AL30 is catalogued as a 10m-class asteroid. Curiously, however, its elliptical orbit has a period of almost exactly one year, the same as Earth. This raises the possibility that it might be a piece of some spacecraft from our own planet. NASA's Goldstone radar in the Mojave desert was scheduled to ping 2010 AL30 between 2:20 and 4:40 UTC on Jan. 13th. The echoes should reveal the nature of this interesting passerby. Stay tuned for updates.

Yep I just posted it on space weather :)
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I am posting this for Howardine, aka kittykittykitty, enjoy!!





This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point 2 weeks ago..


A scene you will probably never get to see in person,

so take a moment and enjoy God at work at the North Pole.


And, you also see the sun below the moon.


An amazing photo and not one easily duplicated.

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