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Advice needed for Rikki and Me!


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I am having a horrible time with Rikki, she is so destructive in her daily behavior. I have tried more attention, less attention, one on one attention,distracting her, buying her various toys, redirection, cage time, but nothing seems to work. She has full flight and is very good at it. She came to me 2 years ago with her wings clipped and I let them grow out. IT took her a long time to master her skills. She has really become a bully towards Nilah and sometimes Talon.

I am at my wits end with her. I am not really considering this, but I am curious if anyone here has done a light clip to see if this discourages some of her behavior. I also am wondering if her behavior is hormonal. She is sweet and kind one minute, and then has a hairline temper and will attack the next.

Any suggestions or experience I would appreciate. I am imagining this is a stage I have to try and get thru. Her behavior has been going on for a few months now. She is very moody, one day she is great and very well behaved, the next...a monster and seems to have a need to destroy and fight things, but getting her to do toys only, boxes, etc. only works for a couple of minutes, then it's on to everything else! :pinch: :S

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I'm struggling the same way with Alfie who turns two in feb. She started chomping the settee a couple of weeks ago. Draping stuff over whatever she's after helps for a while, but then she gets used to it and I have to find something else.

Sorry I can't help, but will watch this thread with interest in case someone else can!!

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Luvparrots, Thanks for the ideas. SHe does have a toy bucket in her cage with various foot toys wrapped up in paper. She also has a set of plastic drawers filed with little stuff such as cut up straws, wooden beads, erasers etc. to throw on the floor of her cage, but when she's out, she doesn't play with them.

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Harvey doesn't play with things when he's out of his cage - other than coconut with the husks that he can pull off and make a mess. If I offer him anything else to chew he rarely chews it out of his cage - I don't know if you can get the coconut husk type toys where you are, but Harvey will pull the fibres apart for ages. It's worth a try - I know my description isn't too good - I'll try and find a picture to help!!! ;)

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Penny - If anyone has a cure all for destructive behaviour in parrots. I would sure like to know it.


If course this would preclude the thought of clipping or leaving them in them in the cage, for me.


I have as you have probably seen in some of Dayo's videos hanging toys and play areas everywhere. he and Jake both enjoy them, bat the hell out of them and get what seems to be angry with them.


BUT: It's that forbidden fruit, the feel, taste and just the enticing thought of maybe being able to get another taste or bite that just drives them loony. :P


They will go to get it, you will retrieve them or shoo them off. The cycle will continue forever and it may even slow a little. But, it is life with a parrot.


Clipping can slow them down a little and stop the from reaching some places only reached by flight. But, they will just get there a little more slowly or turn to other "Forbidden Fruit" they find with in reach.


I suppose the only cure all is to have "Scary" items they dislike placed everywhere that forbidden fruit is.


Wish I had an answer, but don't.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/18 15:43

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Hi guys, Thanks for all your suggestions. I really appreciate it. What Rikki is going thru, has suddenly taken a turn for the worse in her behavior...:(


Dan, I have things hanging all over my house, tree stands everywhere, cargo nets, jolly balls, every room has several things hanging....it looks like one giant bird cage instead of a house for humans!:blink:


THis is a sudden change for her personality, I think she is jealous of Nilah perhaps, even though I spend a lot of time trying to make her feel special. She is very possessive of me and I think her anger of not being in full control of me is spilling over to her destructive behavior. I am trying to find a way to curb that behavior somewhat.:huh:

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Jealousy is definitely displayed in parrots.


You may have the answer right there. :-)


Dayo is jealous of Jake and when I or Kim try to spend even the slightest time or attention to Jake. Dayo will come flying and try to shoo Jake away.


If we ignore Dayo and try to spend a little time after Dayo's attempts to stop us. he will go bonkers and fly like a demon, go beat and tear things up and go to forbidden places that he knows we will immediately come and retrieve him from.


That just may be the true underlying case here.


If so, the only way to handle that is too have different times they are in there cages and your interacting with a certain parrot(s).


Once the one on one interactions are finished. They could perhaps all be let out to enjoy "Open" time when no one is getting one on one time Perhaps.


Jealousy is a very powerful and destructive emotion in us all.

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I am thinking that when she is a brat just cage her for a few minutes with out comment just remove her from her focus. Let her back out after 5 minutes and return her when she is a brat, smart girl she can learn what behaviors to avoid or at least become sneakier about. You might want to check out Barbara Heidenrich's (spelling?)books and website to help overcome some of these issues.

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Hmmm. Rikki's behaviour soundsjust like Dayo's. But the problem time is first thing in the am when they all come out for breakfast. All goes well until they are done eating with me. No one gets one on one time, we all just hang out together while I check the computer, get cages ready, do house chores etc. It is usually the first 1-2 hours she misbehaves. The rest of the day, she is very well behaved for a parrot...;)

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Penny .charlie is almost 7 and I have to say that over the last 12 months his distructive behaviour has got much worse.I think as they get older they do become more distructive. I have a feeling it is hormonal to a degree.Like Rikki charlie can be so sweet and then turn in to the bird from hell.My couch has taken a right chewing and he is now srarting on the rug. I think Rikki may be a bit jealous of Nilah which is not helping.Try giving a bit more 1 on 1 time and see if it helps.I have a pan on the couch at the moment but now need something diferent as Charlie has become acustomed to it.

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