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Is this possible??


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Gimmick, gimmick, gimmick! What a load of rubbish! What a shame for that poor bird (if indeed it is that bird in the picture!!). Pity Ireland doesn't adopt the same "bird selling" laws as the UK - the pet shops aren't allowed to sell anything bigger than a budgie!!


I would say definitely no to the talking - the blinkng thing (if it is lucky) has just weaned, let alone talked!!!


I would steer well clear of morons like this!! ;)

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It could always be an error and they mean 12 months old,I doubt a 12 week old grey is talking. In any case it is not responsable to advertise any animal as a Christmas present. My advise is to ignore this advert and the company.

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I don't know what exactly this bird says, maybe a couple of words or whistles. But I DO know that Talon starting talking at 2 1/2 months. I had her since she was 8 1/2 weeks old, and I talked to her all the time. I spent alot of time trying to teach her to talk. She did have a few words at that age. So it is possible if humans spent a ton of time and I have found that some birds are exceptionally smarter than others. ;)

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Its possible, but "just begun to talk" can mean very different things to different people. I've heard alot of people claim birds were saying things when all I heard was a random squawk with possibly the same number of syllables as the word or phrase they claim the parrot is saying...


I'm guessing Talon is a TAG, and there is some evidence that TAGs mature faster than CAGs(wild TAGs leave there family units much sooner than CAGs, and some polls of grey owners have shown TAGs speaking earlier on average). So its not as surprising to hear of a TAG speaking at a very early age.

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Really Jilly??? I didn't know that in the Uk the pet shops can't sell anything bigger than a budgie. That is great tho maybe someday this law will come In here... I hate seeing parrots when I go into the petshops it's just not right and there usually there for a long time as the pet shop prices are way above the price you'd pay from a breeder.


Hopefully who ever buys this bird for a Christmas present loves it weather it talks or not. If this bird is brought home expecting to talk and doesn't the poor thing could be just left in the cage :(

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

could be left in a cage or he could be crudely disposed of. :sick: what is wrong with people? let the birds be birds. who cares if they talk or not? :angry:

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Could be possible like Penny said but is very rare.


Im in the UK and have bought all my babies from pet stores. My local store always has a supply of Parrots for sale which is heartbreaking to see when I go in for food, I always want to bring them home. They are generally overpriced in our pet stores though so end up being there for quite a long time. Your talking maybe £300 more than what a breeder would charge you buying directly from them.

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I am from uk and pet shops do often sell large parrots. The one where I got Cracker sells greys, cockatoos and amazons. As Caroline said they are usually high in price.He hand rears some baby birds and although I think the shop is not of a high standard some of the birds are gorgeous. He also takes in parrots to sell for people who dont want them any more.

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I am really surprised that your pet shops sell parrots. When I got Harvey my breeder supplied me with an RSPCA booklet about weaning and the laws against selling them unweaned etc. It also had an article in about selling birds bigger than cockatiels - and it stated that unless the shop was a private breeder they could not sell them. I don't think I have it now though. But - clearly it's not against the law if they are for sale near yous.

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