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Leaving my bird out during the day...


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I am about to purchase my first African Grey. I am very excited and making sure that I am prepared. Doing so, I have a few questions.


1. I am planning to keep the bird in my bedroom, bring her into the living area whenever I am home, but keeping the BR as a point of safety. I have a very consistant schedule, and I feel that the bird would be too stressed in the living area if I had a party or a group of people over or something. I also generally get up early, so I don't think it would bother me in the mornings. Is this a bad idea? I live alone.


2. In the past, I have had other birds, and I have left them out during the day - without any problems. I am planning to do the same with this bird once I get it. She is only about 3-4 months old, and I feel that she can be trained to know her space. This is another reason for me chosing the Bedroom as her home, becuase I can leave here there, and there aren't a lot of dangers for her- in comparison to the living room/kitchen. Her cage will be 22"x22"x30"


3. If I put her near a window with blinds, can i keep them open, or do i need to close them? I don't expect a draft problem. But I am concerned about stressing her.


All advise and opinions welcome!

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Guest javacrypto

I recently joined a "cagefreeparrots" mailing list and was amazed at the people who have successfully kept parrots without being caged, for years, daytime, nightime, alone or not...I never realized that so many parrots don't have to see the world through bars. I joined the list because I was looking for suggestions on helping some of my birds get along better while they're out (so we don't have as many "shifts" and each bird subsequently has more freedom each day), and was really fascinated by the people's experiences. Then I had the opportunity to speak at length with the list owner at a bird fair, and it was really exciting to hear how these people make it work. I don't think I could make it work, not with predators (2 dogs and a cat) in the house also...unfortunately.

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