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New CAG owner


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Hi. I am new here and have a little story behind my CAG.


Axl belonged to my father-in-law. He got him from someone he worked with and I am unsure of his history beyond that, and am not sure of his age yet either. My father-in-law would have me go feed the dogs and Axl when he would be gone for a day or two (or more sometimes) and I absolutely fell in love with Axl. He is very shy, and has a tendency to bite--hard. I would take him out of his cage when I was there for some one-on-one time. He would do this "pick-me-up" dance when I would go over there. He was always really good, letting me scratch him on the head, and would step right up, and never showed me any aggression, although one time he did bite me (just hard enough to break the skin) when I went to put him back in his cage.


Anyway, he made me decide that I wanted a parrot of my own, and I got a very sweet Umbrella Cockatoo. Well, long story short, the Cockatoo's screaming started causing alot of anger in our household, and since my father-in-law loved my Cockatoo (because he could hold him without fear of being bitten) we swapped birds. I am now the proud owner of Axl, the bird that made me start loving birds, my father-in-law is now the proud owner of the Cockatoo that he loves.


Axl didn't get held much (if at all) while at my father-in-law's house, and he still has the biting problem. I just brought him home today and he's settling in pretty well (doing the "pick-me-up" dance right now as I type this.) I want to begin working on the biting situation with him, but don't know how (or when) to begin. I don't know if I should give him time to adjust to the new surroundings or if I should dive right in. I definitely love this bird and I am pretty sure that he likes me too, judging by how much better he responded to my contact than everyone else's. He does not seem to act the same when there are other people around with me though. He kind of shivers, and stands in one place.


Anyway, sorry for the novel on my first post, but really want to start on the right foot, so I thought I would ask the experts first. :)


Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!<br><br>Post edited by: DalyTek, at: 2009/12/17 06:49

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Hi DalyTek and Welcome to you and Axl. Obviously everything is so new to Axl - his new home and new surroundings. Just give him a bit of time to settle in - let him adjust to his new abode and the different noises and atmosphere - but continue to talk to him etc.


You say he is doing the "pick me up" dance and you have handled him before - just be gentle - he may want you to jump right in be touched right away.


There are so many members who have "rescue" greys and other birds in whom they've built a meaningful and loving relationship with - it's worth the work - they are an absolutely fantastic companion.


If you have any pictures of Axl - we like those too!!

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Hi JillyBeans. Thanks for the warm welcome and reply. I will definitely be taking pictures, and will post them when I do. He's an awesome bird.


I figured it would be best to let him adjust to the new atmosphere and people and noises before I start trying to work with him, but him already opening up with his dance has me confused. He's a really hard nut to crack, because it seems like his bites come from nowhere. I'm going to try to keep an eye on his body language to look for those subtle (and not-so-subtle) clues that I have read on here that they usually give.


The rest of my family (my wife and kids) are scared of him because they know he bites, but I can see a really good bird in him, and really want to bring out the best in him so everyone can enjoy him. I just don't know where to start, outside of talking to him (which we all do a lot already.)

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Well, day 2 has been going ok so far. He seems to be in very good spirits. He doesn't really talk much at all, about all he ever says is "Hey, what're ya doing?" and "Axl Roooooooooooose!" but he chirps like just about every other bird on the planet and makes lots of beeps and boops and whistles. What's strange is he will NOT make any noises if anyone is looking at him. If everyone is in another room (or even has there backs to him) he will start his chattering. Not sure why that is? I guess he's shy. But it seems like a good sign to me that he's opening up like that at least. :)

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Hello DalyTek and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Axl.


What an interesting story of how you came to have Axl and I am sure you are going to provide him a very good home.


I would give him some time to get used to his new surroundings, you may not be new to him but most everything else is and he will be more comfortable in time.


My Josey is shy and is quiet and not as playful when there are strangers in the house, she has always been this way while others have greys that are more outgoing and not scared of anyone.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for sharing a picture of Axl, he sure does have some of that red factor in his feathers and he is a real handsome looking grey.

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Not sure if he will or not. He was the same way (won't do any sounds or anything when someone's looking at him) when he was at my father-in-law's house too.


I think he just has stage fright or something. He's making tons of noises one right after another right now. 'Course no one's out there looking at him right now lol. He sure is a lot of fun to listen to!

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Axl sounds like a wonderful Grey and his photo shows a beauty of a Grey. :-)


The way he has let you step him up, hold him and give scratches is really a positive sign that he likes being out and close for now. The lack of attention leaves a hole that needs to be filled.


The biting can be addressed by watching body language and if eyes are pining. You'll learn this very quickly.


Looking forward to hearing updates on him. :-)

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OK, I just checked in with my father-in-law and he said that Axl is about 11 years old.


I have been reading a lot about this pinning the eyes thing, but I have a question about it. Does pinning the eyes mean when his pupils shrink or does pinning mean when the pupils open and close repeatedly?


I will have to watch his eyes more carefuly when I am around. The only body language I see is that when we come close to cage to talk to him or what have you, sometimes his whole body is shaking. Almost looks like he's freezing, but I know he's not. His feathers ruffle up when he does this usually too. Other times, however, he just stands there, real still--just watching us..Not sure what that means though.

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