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She speaks!!!


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Yesterday morning I woke up to a strange sound. I couldn't place it initially, then I realised it was Cleo saying "What ya doing, what ya doing", over and over in a sort of alien type voice.


She sounds very manly, with a deep gravelly voice, and of course she wouldn't stop, saying the same thing for about 4 hours. It was fantastic to listening to. Sometimes she forgot half the words and just ended up saying "what what what". She is 2 weeks shy of her first hatch day, and I am much looking forward to many interesting conversations with my girl.

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That first word or phrase is always very exciting. :-)


She will calibrate the words and voice until she is fully pleased with how well it matches the source. This is done by practicing over and over and over....and breaking down a phrase and saying the individual words is also normal.


As she learns more words and gets the full meaning of "Each" word. YOu will find she will start creating her own new phrases and normally in the right context. But, thats down the road. :-)


Looking forward to more updates on this new speech ability.

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Thanks for the positive reactions guys! You all manage to make this so much more exciting than what it already is!


Any theories on why Cleo decided to use that phrase to start with, as it's not something I use overly much with her. I love you, Pretty girl and Hello are much more used in front of her.


The other thing that surprises me a little is that she does not copy any household noises, such as the phone or microwave. She does however have the whole lorikeet noise thing down to a fine art, including the cute little sneezes that sound like "chi chi chi".

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They choose what they wish to say first and also which sounds that appeal to them and they wish to produce themselves.


You would probably be surprised at what words and sounds she mumbles and practices out of earshot.


You will continue to hear things that will just pop out as time progresses. But, in the beginning it's is slow compared to a year down the road when it seems like they can pick up a phrase in a day or two or a new sound. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/18 16:10

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