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Hello, now that I am a member I can post! I do have many questions but the first I will start with is: The 23 year old grey we rehomed has been here 5 months. He is very settled in his large cage, not afraid of toys, and is now finally eating pellets which is great! He is blossoming as far as making noises, starting to immitate, and when we leave the room, you can really tell that he wants you to come back because he gets really vocal saying all kinds of funny things which is good too! Anyways, I have been trying to work with him every day for 5 months now, he doesn't seem the slightest bit ready to step up, or even begin to step up. I have tried all the things I know to try - sitting by the cage and reading to him, talking softly to him everytime I feed, walk by, etc. When he gets down on his own off of his cage top, when he is in another room, I sit quietly on the floor, offer him treats, I just let him walk around a bit, etc. I know it is going to take ALOT of time because 23 years of no handling, being stuck in a small cage with no toys isn't going to be easy to reverse! But, I was talking to a lady who runs a local bird store who said that she thinks that he might just stay this way no matter what, and that he should've shown signs of being interested in me after 5 months. At least small changes. He has bitten me pretty bad several times, he has always fluffed up HUGE, pinned his eyes, bowed his head every single time I am around the cage except when I hand him a cracker. When in a neutral room, I have gotten him to step up when cornered when I have to put him back but only onto my sleeve. He then trys to bite hard as I am walking down the hallway back to his cage and will fly to the floor. OK...that's a little backround on how he has been this last 5 months but here's the thing I was so confused about. About a week after I brought him home, after climbing to the top of his cage, he started to regurgitate for me, then came down close to my hand. I held out my flat hand, he stepped onto it HOWEVER, he was doing his little mating dance nonstop with the little butt wiggling and regurgitating over and over. He let me touch him on the head, well pretty much everywhere like a different bird. He was so into the hormonal mood that he didn't even seem like he was "there"...just mesmerized by me. What I mean by that is that when i would try to give him a treat or hand toy to direct his attention to something other than "love" ; ) He would not even respond so I would put him back on his perch in the cage. Ever since then, (he did this for weeks) He doesn't regurgitate or do this lately, but seems vicious towards me. So my question is, do you think that he might ever come around? We will love him no matter what and he will always have a place here, but it sure would be nice to be able to have him step up even just to be able to be moved to one of our many playstands around the house. He was always on a small dowel rod so his feet are a bit funny as far as grasping things, he does well with his rope perches though. If I try to have him step up on a hand held perch, he goes beserk trying to viciously bite it. The poor little thing has no idea what it's for. Any advice would be so greatly appreciated! He's a great bird, so big and beautiful, he's an easy keeper but I'd love to be able to move him to different scenery and stimulation for his own well being. Thanks for reading this long winded post!

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I would never say never. But, with a 23 year old that has been stuffed in a cage and not interacted with all those years. It is going to show whether you have the patience of Job or not.


It actually sounds like you have made progress and are very diligently and patiently taking it tiny bit by bit.


Many parrots do not like a perch coming at them, my Grey included. Perhaps yours had a bad experience or maybe even many with perches coming at him for unknown reasons.


I can only imagine the bites you have suffered. But, if getting up on your arm is one means of step-up in the beginning. Then leverage that by perhaps wrapping a towel or thicker cloth around you arm. Many times they will bite to "test" a perch and in reality it is just a "strong" clamp down for testing the solidness of the perch. If it jiggles and moves, then they fly off and start deciding it is not a safe perch.


I am amazed at just how much progress you have made in 5 months, to tell you the truth with the background you have described.


I would imagine the viciousness i snot only to you, but to anyone even thinking about trying to handle him.


I know others like Dave with decades of experience dealing with older Greys will have some rock solid comments on this.


Kudos to you for taking in this wonderful, but challenging bird. :-)

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I dont think 5 months is long at all.I think you are doing very well and seem to be doing things right. He has had a terrible past and only time and patiance will tell.One little tip , keep a sort of diary.That way you can look back in a few months time and realise things are getting better. With greys progress can be very slow and come in such tiny stages that it is hard to see.So a grey diary can help you chart the little baby steps of progress. Good luck and please keep us up to date on how you are doing.

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Thank you all for your kind and helpful comments, she, keeping a little diary is a great idea! I will do that, it will help me to see how he is changing slowly but surely. You are right Dan, he has been this way for 23 years, only time and patience will tell if and how he comes around. His face has so much character, you can't help but love the grumpy old guy! I guess I just want it to happen faster than it may, if he tames down at all. When I first went to see him, he was so scared, hunched over, and puffed up I couldn't tell if he had some kind of a health problem or if it were just fear! I never saw his feathers smooth down that day. I left and told this lady who had him that I'd "think" about taking him in but to tell you the truth, I wasn't planning on it. Only an hour later I felt so guilty for leaving this poor bird at her house in his filthy small cage with an old dirty bell that looked as old as he was that I called her and said "I'll take him". He was free by the way...But? I'm so glad he's here...like I said, he has a certain way about him, although wanting to eat me! You can't help but love him! I'll try to figure out how to post pictures..Again, thank you for such kind comments and praise! These birds are great, I just love these greys...I don't get anything done when I'm home with them! ; )

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