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Where does the time Go?


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I really can't believe I'm about to post this - but it's Harvey's 1st Hatchday!!


I lurked around on this forum from about now in 2008 reading all of the information that has kept Harvey healthy and happy, before joining the forum when he came home (I didn't think I'd be welcome without a grey to talk about - how wrong was I - I would have been welcomed with open arms)!


I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to his wellbeing (and mine!)as honestly, without this forum he probably wouldn't be as well as he is.


I know I'm known as a bit of a joker - but this is a heartfelt thanks to all my friends who have helped make Harvey the happy go lucky, gorgeous addition that he is to our family.


Thanks to you all. Jill :kiss: (and Harvey)!


I hope there are many, many more hatchdays for Harvey.

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:woohoo: May I be the first to wish Harvey a happy hatchday!? Are you planning to do any baking for him Jill, is he having any treats at all? Hope he enjoyes his special day. A timely reminder to me that in a few weeks from now it will be Beau's hatchday too. You are right it's scarey how fast time goes.

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Happy Hatchday Harvey!!


My how the time has flown. I know your parronts will shower you with gifts and forgive for shredding whatever you wish in the house on this special day.


Enjoy YOUR day and be extra cautious in shredding things like blinds. If you cut too many of the strings, they could fall on you.


So bite one in half and fly away quickly. If the blinds didn't fall. Bite another and another and so on. Always ensuring you fly away at each snip.


When your all done, you parronts will have a super Hatchday present for you and special snacks to celebrate. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Way to go Harvey! He snubbed your birthday singing Jill because you mixed the numbers on HIS special day. LOL. He also told me on a PM that he hasn't started speaking yet because lord knows he couldn't get a word in edgewise with that woman. I can only assume he meant you he was too much of a gentleman to name names. He is a big boy now and he has been holding back on his tricks so watch our world, here comes Harvey.

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