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Nailing Unsuspecting Guests!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

My partner and I periodically host parties at our house - and as the guests come in the door, I warn them not to try and pet Beckett.

She is a very social bird - if we go to another room, she calls "come here" until I get her. She really enjoys being in a large group of people.

I have only had one problem - a man decided it would be fun to harass her - I had to step and and tell him that that was enough! and he hasn't ever come back(weep weep). People enjoy talking to her, and giving her treats - from a distance.

I do enjoy my "dusty chicken"!

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You did the right thing by intervening for your "Dusty Chicken"! It is sad your guest and I assume friend decided based upon his or her bad behaviour that it was you who were rude in the correction.


I am the same way, even with my Family members that congregate at my home often. I explain the "Rules" before the introduction to Dayo and if they get out of line, I correct them.


Teasing of animals of any type, is not something I tolerate. Even if they are not mine, I will defend the Animal.


It's great you have socialized her so well and that she seems to welcome the extra attention. I'll bet she just glows when guests arrive. :-)

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Guest briansmum

brian is fine with people being in the room, usually i've had a couple of incidents of him flying at people, but these tend to be the people who "cower" and put their arms up when he flies, i've tried explaining that this just attracts brian to want to land on them but they just don't understand parrots. but it stops at people being in the room, i don't let people touch him, he'd bite them and it would just cause problems. i'm happy with him being content with people in the room, thats enough for me!

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