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Bismark Just Melted My Heart


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Just five minutes ago, I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. While I was walking in, I heard Bismark calling for me - to him me walking into the bathroom is the same as me walking out of the house.


So I'm in the bathroom for about 45 seconds, then I hear a tapping on the door. The INSTANT I open the door, in scampers/runs/hops a bundle of grey feathers. Bismark runs right up to me, stands on my bare foot - wings quivering waiting for me to pick him up.


I put him on my shoulder, go sit on the bed for a minute, and talk to him about how I need personal moments every now and again but I'm flattered none-the-less. All the while he's cooing and chuckling, then begins to preen himself.


He willingly gets back onto his playtop, then starts gabbering and talking to himself.


I couldn't be a happier and stunned newbie grey owner....Bismark continues to blow me away with the depth of his emotions and attitudes...A week or two after I got him, I said having him is like having a girlfriend - and tonight I couldn't agree more...

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Haha Bizzy is something else...To answer the questions: I've had Bismark for about fourth months now - and his wings were already clipped when I got him. I don't think he was clipped that bad, however, as he can flutter a significant distance. His favorite route is from his play top to my bed, then from my bed to the floor.


I do not plan on clipping him after his new flight feathers grow in.


But yes, I would have to say that we get along "greyt" hehe.


One concern I have, and have been reading a lot about, is what will happen when he matures. I get the impression that's when the "honeymoon" stage is over. Bismark's now around ten months old.

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