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Hello, I just joined this site but have been reading it for quite some time. I thought it was time to introduce myself. My name is Bea and I have a beautiful 5 year old caique, a 3 year old Congo, a handsome 4 year old Timneh, and we recently "rehomed" or "rescued" you might say, a 23 year old Congo who lived in a tiny filthy cage, no toys or stimulation, no baths, no handling, and a diet of sunflower seeds. I took him to our avian vet to be examined, and amazingly enough, he is in fairly good health. He does have an old broken toe that is quite crooked that doesn't seem to affect his movement, as well as a crooked neck that could be due to a birth defect or possibly an injury? We don't know much about his last 23 years. He has been with us for almost 5 months now. As far as his personality goes, he is scared stiff of people, doesn't seem to mind toys, different types of perches, etc. that we have put in his new 36x28x72 inch cage, and he seems to love the space! Just wanted to introduce myself! You all give such good advice, and even though I've had my other greys since weaning, there is always more to learn about these amazing birds! You never know enough!

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Hello Bea and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could finally join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your flock.


You have quite a flock and they must keep you busy but I am really glad to hear you could give this 23 year old Cag a good home, how sad he had to live like he did for so long and I bet he is really blossoming under your care.


As you have already found out we have lots of useful information in our many threads so continue to read thru them and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We really love pictures here so if you have some of your birds you would share with us we would love to see them.


BTW, what are your birds names?

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Thanks for your warm welcomes! I will try to post some pictures. My cags names are smokey and emily, the timnehs name is odie, and the caique is ernie. I do have some questions for you guys but I guess I should post under the proper sections. I'm sure you all will have some great ideas for me!

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