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On sunday i cleaned busters cage with the jet wash plus put a few new toys in and logs. well since sunday he as not eaten much and is really not in a good mood not talking puffed up and sleeping more in the day need some help with what to do

ps and buster was not in the cage when i jet washed it :)<br><br>Post edited by: hill, at: 2009/12/15 16:48

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Hi, if you didn't use detergent or any type of chemical then the answer has to be that buster's problem is totally unconnected to you jet-washing his cage. Where was he when you were cleaning the cage? Was he out in the cold or in a draught? This could be your answer. If not then a call or a visit to the vet should be your next move. Sorry I can't help more but please do let us know how you get on?

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all i used to was his cage was water no cleaning products he was fine untill i changed his cage around put a few new toys in for him plus he was left in the house while i did his cage plus the wether is very dull today can that make a diffrence

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Yes, put back only the things he is familliar with, if you want to introduce new toys to his cage you will have to do it more gradually, one at a time with weeks in between, also place the new toy within his sight but outside of his cage (which is his comfort zone/his home) where he can see it for a week or so before putting it in the cage. It's funny, they are always so wary of anything new, they seem to think it's gonna swallow them up.


My Beau won't come in this room right now when he is out of his cage because there is a xmas card holder on the wall beside me, it's only small but he is very wary of it.


Hope this helps.

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If he is puffed up and sleeping this is not related to the toys - he would be wide awake and aware of the new alien items in his cage. Is he eating and drinking and pooping as usual? As Janet asks - if the cage wasn't totally dry he may have caught a chill. You would probably be best to get him to a vet for a quick check over - let us know how Buster gets on. :)

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this is a funny one last night after a full day of problems i got buster back in is cage and he was eating drinking fine and talking up a storm but not playing with his old or new toys just sat there.woke up this morning and he is talking eating fine poop is normal so he is just like that when out of the cage not in side the cage

ps he is 2:)

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