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Guest jamalbirdbiz

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

I need sweaters for my birds becuase of the cold whether.looking for full coverage winterware- meaning wings 2- any ideas ware to find this stuff would be very much appresiated. :)

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

i am asking this question for a friend of mine. He doesnt know that much about parrots. he is stilll learning. :unsure: He dosnt know nearly as much as i do, so i ahve to be patient. :dry:<br><br>Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/12/16 11:53

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

the friend of mine who wants to know about getting sweaters for his parrot has just adoptid a white cockatoo from a neighbor of his who was just dieagnozed with some breathing ailment. he is a frined of mine that works at the grocery store where i shop with my birds. he has had 'white one' - thats the birds name for about three months and he has him used to a harnesss all ready and is i guess trying to get him some parrot clothes to go around in and he had asked about a sweater and i said i would ask around about it. thanks for all ur help guys.


fiy: the name white one means one that is white.<br><br>Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/12/16 14:55

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

rick - white ones - owner - asked me about it first 4 his bird and of coarse if they have such a thing mines will get them 2. :) they dont like 2 B left out.


i found out that they have sweaters for parrots - just not full coverage sweaters - but they have wing free sweaters.


Best friend animal sanctuary uses sock sweaters for their plucking parrots.



this is what i found:




Some of the birds at Best Friends are feather pickers. And if a bird is a feather picker, the chest area is often the prime target.


That’s what’s great about the sweaters. They give the birds some protection, as well as distraction. It’s much harder to pick when there are all these cool patterns and colors to study. And a nice thick sock does take some time to chew through, after all.


After lots of practice, the caregivers at the Parrot Garden have found the perfect way to snip and trim a new adult-sized, mid-calf, stretchy sock into the perfect cardigan sweater. And any buttons, beads, patches, or toys attached to the sock-sweaters make them all the better at slowing down the feather-picking. Think of these doodads and thingamajigs as a parrot iPod or electronic game player. Who wants to pluck feathers when there are so many cool toys to enjoy?!

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

theys also have ginue pigs , regular pigs , and alll kinds of other animals that they wants to have people adopt. if ur loooking 4 some kind of animal that be hard to find theys probably have it.

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