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Only sick eclectus (both) Not other birds


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Okay, 2 days after adding a full spectrum light to my eclectus cage my eclectus both came down with some sort of sickness. Whether it is just coincidence, I don't know, but I have no avian vet within 100 miles of here and talking to the avian vet she is bewildered. The female first came down with something not causing any noticeable breathing problems. But what caught me off guard was she seemingly couldn't open her eyes, even when toweled and under stress. She seemed to have no way to eat. She was taken from the male and put in my ICU unit at 85 degrees with 40 percent humidity. So, before you freak out on home treatment, this is what the vet suggested as I am well versed in other animal care. First, she suggested a two headed attack. She said aspergillosis would be the likely cause, but it could be something bacterial. So, a combo of 9 mg of oxytetracycline and 1 mg of ciprofloxacin injected into the breast tissue daily. Also, she is getting 10 minutes every 6 hours of nebulized clotrimazole in the event it is fungal. The next morning my male came down with the same symptoms. He however wasn't as bad as the other and could still open his left eye. Now, no signs of anything being discharged from the eyes has me the most worried. They are both drinking, but I am forced to resort to a feeding tube to get anything in their system. I guess it bothers me because they are not opening their eyes very often and I am worried it is something from the light that caused damage to the eyes and it hurts to open them. Could it be possible? They are drinking on their own, but still no appetite. Has anyone ever had a bird refuse to open there eyes, yet seemingly it wasn't because they were about to die?

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I would think that drinking would be more difficult than eating not able to visualize the water levels. How are they responding to treatment so far? How long have you had these birds? What is their diet? Can you add a little Gatorade or Pediolyte to their water to get some sugar and electrolytes into them? How close is that light to their cage?<br><br>Post edited by: Greywings, at: 2009/12/15 15:41

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I have bird electrolytes in the water and they can open their eyes on occasion. As a matter of fact, what scares me is the female is preening herself right now which worries me there may be eye damage. I have researched lighting and have never heard of any eye damage and I am very frustrated if that is what happened. Her last shot though, I got a good bite in the hand so she isn't weak. I am just so bewildered right now it is absolutely crazy. I checked the manuf. lights and they are bird safe with no coating that could cause problems. I will keep you updated. Note: I had a problem tube feeding as the female is very strong and even two people can't hold her beak open, so I made a block with a hole in it to have her bite on and it works great. I am just going to keep pumping them with fluids and hope for the best until I can get to the vet next monday when I have off. I am going to have them check for eye damage and or worse neurologic damage that could cause pain in seeing. If it is the problem I will post a warning about the lights and I will also be getting a lawyer. These are my babies and I have spent a great deal of time making sure they are being fed the best diet and have the best of everything.

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Well, everything is looking good for the ekkies. I am not out of the woods, but they are both eating an oatmeal/sweet potato mash and drinking regularly. The female is opening her right eye and is becoming more alert. The male is still keeping his eyes closed, but briefly opens them to see where the food is. I checked her pupil dialation when exposed to light and they seem to be working correctly. Everything I have done is leading me to the conclusion that that the light may have caused temporary damage and sensitivity to light. The other underlaying infection may have been brought on by the stress. I will update everyone tomorrow morning after I check them in the unit. Meanwhile I sent blood samples to avianbiotech to make sure it isn't a severe contangent. Thanks for the support. Oh, I have had them for 2 years now.

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How wonderful things are turning around, glad you are sending in the blood as well just to be certain. It is frightening when things go sour and do so very quickly. You just never know when you bring in a new factor what can go wonky. Keep us informed with your updates as they progress looking forward to more good news.

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Great morning, they are both alert and eating well. The female is starting vocalized while falling asleep so that is always a good sign. I have dealt with a lot of birds in my day (mostly exotic pheasants) and usually once they show signs of sickness, it is about a 10% chance you can save them. This really gives me hope. I doesn't hurt they my uncle is a doctor and I can get the prescription drugs I need when I need them. Pending something terrible happens, I can say I a pretty positive that they are going to pull through. I could use some sleep. I have been re-disinfecting everything constantly, running all over and trying to keep up with everything else.

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Thought everyone might want to see ruby and simon after being sick and see they are doing great. I thought they were done. Anyway. Here is a picture of them tonight. As a matter of fact, they are already feeding each other again. No nest box for a while though. They have been stressed out enough for now. :)

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