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Grey's claws


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Good morning! My CAG is 1yr and just started chewing his claws into shards a week ago. I cannot even hold him today. He has had an on and off problem with feather picking, started that again too? He's had EVERY test available for diseases and the like, and the final result was to put him on Meds and I'm reluctant to do so. There is one thing that we know about which is VERY sensitive hearing. Anything too loud and He scratches head, starts picking right away! So all things except Vacuum is kept to a low volume. His nutrition level hasn't changed. Well, maybe eating less pellets than I'd like to see. No seed at all, never introduced to it. HELP!!!

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Oh jstrelaxin, I am so sorry to hear about that, I read your conversation with CD, its something I have never heard of before. Roxy sometimes puts her claws in her mouth, but never chews them.


Is it possible that something might be irretating your bird's feet. I am not sure if it is safe, but try to put your birdie's feet in luke warm sterlized water and maby get some kind of moisturisor on the bird's feet.


Hope something works, but you and your bird are in my thoughts.



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Guest Lidia

What about your bird's perches? Are they comfortable? Can he get a good grip on them? Perhaps you could try a few different types of perch; natural wood, rope, concrete, pumice, etc. Also, get perches in different sizes so that he can have a different tactile experience on each and so they cannot aggravate anything on his feet that is already irritating him. This might do the trick.

Alternatively, how about filing his nails with an emery board to smooth them down so there are no rough edges for him to start picking at.

With a picker/chewer, distraction might be the best possible option.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/25 14:50

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Good questions Lidia!


Also, I read somewhere if I remember right, that Greys will "nail bite" kind of like us humans if they are nervous, scared our anxious over something.


Does it seem related to any event like your leaving, or you put a new toy in or some other change?

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I would take the bird to an avian vet and have a full work up to make sure nothing is hurting or making you bird ill. That is usually one of the biggest reasons for this kind of behavior.

Then after you do that you can explore other possibilities.

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Tari is right. A well check up and blood work to rule out any medical condition is a definite must.


Talon used to chew her nails so they were as sharp as needles. I found she did this as she was bored. We couldn't even pick her up it hurt so much! When ever I saw her start to chew on them, I would distract her by giving her a toy, sometimes a treat, or taking her elsewhere, or talking to her. She soon forgot about the behavior, and has since stopped. Good luck and keep us posted!

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- made an appointment first thing as soon as Vet opened

- Just had all well check up two months ago $500.00!!

- Was seen four different follow up visits

- Vet wanted to put him on meds???? not done....

- Squeaks only wants toys when he wants them!

- nothing new introduced to his cage

- Went to an all bird store, purchased 4 different types perches, which we were helped with by staff.

- I hold him a ton, wonder if I had something on my skin that he picked up from me? Have a stand with rope, toys, etc as well...

- Speaking of water, does PETRIFIED come to mind! I purchased a very light misting spray and he runs around in the bathroom while I spray scared to death! It kills me, but I know how important it is.

- Regarding filing nails, I'll leave that to the vet, I'm afraid they may be to brittle now and I will only do more damage.

- finally, CRY CRY CRY!!! I feel like a horrible Mommy!

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No your not a horrible mom just have to figure out what is causing this.

Wash you hands every time before you handle you bird.

If they nails are brittle sounds like he may have some sort of difference in his diet? Not sure what other things can cause brittle nails.

Why did the vet want to put him on meds? And why was is it not done? Is there a different vet you can go to?

Try offering a bowl of water with veggies in it first thing in the morning before he gets his regular food. That way he well have to "dive" for his food and learn to take baths.

Took Que six months to learn to bath this way but it did work.

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Thanks Tari, I will try your veggie method.

Brittle isn't what I'd call them. He's actually breaking them on the sides and making them into shards, like needles on the end. I just don't think I'm qualified to make them better at this point. Now the poor guy has to put up with another thing in his life which is a glove! He want my bare hand to hold him. He is a very, very timid bird and we do introduce him slowly into unknown situations and sometimes he takes to it other times not. He was hand fed, not by me, but I've know him since early on. Took him home @ around 6 months. He is a great bird, starting to talk, loves my husband and myself. Thinks he is MY owner, not the other way around. I may rethink the meds at this point on a short term basis, after of course finding out if everythings O.k.

I really appreciate all the help!

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Guest Lidia

I would stop misting him until he is more comfortable in his environment, sounds like anything could tip him further into self-destructive behaviour at the moment. I would definitely try to get the nails filed smooth. He won't shred them to the point that they bleed, so you should be safe doing this. You will need to towel him for it, though, to begin with. As long as the nails are shredded they will be a constant reminder to him to gnaw at them. I realise this is very traumatic for you, but once it's done, you should see a difference.

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Thanks Lidia for advice. I've had him quite awhile now and have gotten advice on how to bathe him through many sources, Avian Vet, a qualified all bird place...tried everything to bathe him. Shallow bowls with toys in them, greens in them, two different type misters, keeping him near me at sink to have him get to know the water, he doesn't mind unless he gets a drop on him. Tried letting him sit on shower door, that was a complete disaster. I've resorted to wetting my hands and trying gently wiping it on him and couldn't use my finger for a week!! Finally, I just take him in the bathroom put him on the floor and mist (very light mister) away. He really doesn't scream anymore or go crazy, just walks rapidly away. POOR THING! You know, I've determined that having a Grey is not for the faint at heart.....Starting with children all over again.

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One thing I could add to everyone's advice is maybe try not misting him for a while....They clean with their dust and don't need baths as often from what I understand. I've heard that nail biting is often a nervous habit like plucking. A good friend of mine whos older lost her husband about a year ago. Her Blue & Gold has been plucking ever since and it finally dawned on her thats what is was. Now she has her son come over who looks just like Dad, and the plucking has stopped, he comes over a couple times a week to play with the Mac. So has someone new moved in? Moved out? Another thing is do you have any other animals? Kids running around that might spook her? Is she in a high traffic area like the living room? Those are things that could cause of lot of stress....Hopefully you figure it out regardless!

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Guest Monique

Hello there!! Sounds like you are having a tough time with your baby... :( .


What type of medication did your vet want to put the bird on? For how long? And what did s/he say about why he was recommending it? Is your vet a certified avian vet?


Does he like to play with toys? Does he have plenty of things to shred in his cage? Such as paper, carrots, corn cobs, pine wood, coconut hulls, toys, etc?


How long have you had your Grey?

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My Son moved back in from college, maybe that's it. He doesn't really like my boy. No children except grand kids have come over a bit more lately. They are not allowed to go near the bird. The medication, which I forgot the name, but alleviates stress. I've had him 10 months now. He is a very timid bird. Is very sensitive to noise. If there is anything new on the floor in the house and I'm walking by it with him, he tries to fly away, so I can see where the picking comes from. He started getting better and stopped picking, grew back most of his feathers, and then BAM, just started and then found out he had nails I guess! I do appreciate all the help! Everything is a process......Otherwise he is a real good boy, starting to talk, snores like the dog or daddy <ha>...mimics all kinds of sounds, eats well etc...

Thanks again for all of your help, you've been great.

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