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my poor baby is plucked more than I thought


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I brought Chatot out tothe kitchen today a d put him on the back of a chair to give him a spray bath. When he opened his wings I noticed that his body at the the back part of his wings has no feathers at all just down he has a strip of feathers down the center of his back the everything hidden by his wings on both sides has been plucked. I knew he had plucked a bit on his legs but I had no Idea that it had gone this far. he must have been so neglected in his previous home he hasn't plucked one feather since he's been here thank goodness he's only 18 months old he way to young to be doing that. My poor Chatot She also said he was a screamer but he doesn't do that here either he must have be so lonley and so bored to have these behaviours at such a young age. I'm so glad she relized that he needed something more and rehomed him before things got really out of hand. I'm making a Vet appointment tomorrow morning for some time this week I want to see what exactly is going on with this bird. and since I cannot handle him except for step ups and head scritches yet I'll let the vet do it for me.

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jamalbirdbiz wrote:

have u tried dressing him in a cape? 2 keep him for plucking?

I don't think he needs a cape he hasn't plucked or lost any feather's since he's been with me the plucking was going on in his previous home. Its just very sad because he's just a baby he's only 18 months old and for a large macaw that is still very young they don't mature until they are 5or6 yrs old.

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Pat, we all know fine well that the beautiful Chatot will flourish under your love, care and guidance (as your other babies have). I know you find it distressing that he has lost more feathers than you thought, and it is so sad as you say at such a young age - but this is the bonus for him - he has years of you and your love ahead of him - he'll be back in tip top form in no time, of this I am sure ;)

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