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constricted toe syndrome


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Hey, this is my first time owning a bird and if possible i need some help! My african grey is about 5 mounths old now and was born with constricted toe syndrome, so unfortunately he has no claws. He is still very active and can walk, but he just cant climb anything. The cage I bought him is fairly large but he is not able make full use of it and is only able to walk around on the bottom. He has two perches but they have to be on the bottom for him to use. I'm trying to figure out what I can build for him (ledges etc) so that he can have more room to play and reach the top of his cage. If anyone has had any experience with this or has any ideas on what to build to make his life easier it would be greatly appriciated! Thanks alot!!!

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If this condition is recognized very early in a bird's age, the fibrous band can be removed surgically which will restore circulation. It's a problem with the stretching ligaments that are too tight around the base of the toe.

You never mentioned how many toes were involved but if many toes are involved a vet is necessary and that has to be an avian vet.

Many birds with different types of foot deformities eventually learn how to maneuver around as they get older. Your bird is only 5 mts old and the problem can be dealt with very easily at that early age.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/12/14 04:04

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sorry i didn't specifify but he actually doesn't have any toes at all just two knubs but he moves around just fine. The only thing is he is not able to climb the cage and i'm trying to figure out what kind of stuff i could put in the cage to make his life easier

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Hi Dolfan,

Sorry to hear of your birds problems, but hopefully you wil find a suitable sollution so he can enjoy a full and active life.

Perhaps if you have enough toys and activities on the floor of his cage, he won't need to climb up there, and that way there is no risk of him losing hold while he is high up and falling and hurting himself.

Good luck with him.

If that is a picture of him on your avitar, he is a handsome chap!!

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Hi Dolfan 123. What about some sort of ledges constructed with little ramps (obviously at a shallow angle). This will help him get to the top of his cage (as obviously they like to be at the highest point possible).


You don't say whether your baby is clipped or flighted? He would be able to flutter between ledges if flighted. I would probably have something soft in the bottom of the cage in case he takes a tumble though - perhaps a blanket or cushion. :)

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Hey thanks everyone. I didn't have his wings clipped, i figured this would help him move around a little more once he's outside his cage. The shallow ramp idea with some ledeges is a pretty good idea and I probably will try and something along those lines. Once I get them made i'll try and post some pictures along with the results for anyone who cares to look at see them or if anyone else has the same problem

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He will certainly find his way around much better with his wings - they'll also get him out of difficulty should he lose balance etc.


I'm looking forward to seeing your solutions - it's a great thing that you are doing - just because something has a disability, doesn't mean it is less valuable or meaningful to the world. :)

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