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My African will not tame at all


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Hi all, I have had my African grey about 7 months now her ring states she was born 07 which is true but when I got her she was in the smallest cage and had her wing's clipped very badly and both of them too!!! Since getting her she is in a macaw cage, her wing's have just about grown back she talks, sings, dance's, but will not come out of her cage, will not be handled and she bites me she is happy in he cage but when I go to open it she makes funny noises and screens and goes for me which she draws blood everytime. So what do I do I hav tried evrything I have read and had lots of patience hence 7 months of tryin! I am at wits end now and thing she need to be with a really good expierienced bird handler and also she plucks a little when she I scared so I am in catch 22 situation HELP ME PLEASE

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Hi Krazyruby, have you tried just leaving the cage door open and hanging a treat she likes on the door so that she must come out and get it? That's what I would try and just sit back and see what happens. If you have any pictures of your grey we would love to see them. Karma to you for taking in an older grey. By the way, what is her name?<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/12/14 00:18

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I'm glad you have cared enough to give this baby a good home and a nice cage... as for the 'taming.' Start slow and expect slow results... put a treat on the outside of the cage and leave the doors open, surely she will eventually dare come get it. When she does, praise her and give her more treats. Slowly she will realize that there is a happy place outside of that cage as well. :)

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

im not seeing wat the problem is here. mines bite me a lot 2 and it hasnt hindered r relationship at all. best advicess. keep hanging in there and ware gloves and also do NOT rehome him because not all people r so tolerant with there pets and there is no telling wat they would do to ur bird in the way of training and-or disposing of. :evil:


sorry but u do need to know this. :( mean people really do exist.




AFRICAN GREY EXPERT AND A TOP POSTER<br><br>Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/12/15 14:49

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hi all thanks for your posts her name is ruby, she is a brill talker yes i left her cage open she does com out climbs all around it but i struggle to get her back in i stand and talk to her on a regular basis, she growls at me and if i move to fast she just turns on me, i love her with al my heart and i would NEVER give up but i just can't tame her to step up she has been in her new cage a couple of days so didn't want to go back 3 steps with her i just left her to settle back in and not to pluck her self which so far she hasn't!! and last night after i went to bad she was flyin around in her cage (it is honestly massive) which brought a smile to my face but any way all help appreciated and photos are bein uploaded today again many thanks x :P

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It sounds like she became cage bound in that little cage.


Do you know the history from the previous owner? Did they have her out of the cage and stepping up, head scratches etc?


At 2 years old, they are a handful as they try to enforce their will upon everyone that will let them get away with it.


The fear and aggression you describe sounds like she has not had a good life up to this point. The cage being so small is another issue and kudos to you for getting a large cage she can romp and flap around in.


It's good that you are recognizing her need for space and where the limits are. The first thing to convince her of, is not to fear you. If she is growling etc. as you describe, you just past the "comfort zone".


Just keep letting her come out on her own and try putting one of her favorite treats or foods in the cage when you wish for her to go back in. This way you avoid a confrontation and not induce any fear. It will make you a good guy. :-)


It would be good, if you don't already have one. To buy a tree stand with stainless cups on it you can put her favorite foods in. This should induce her to venture out past the limits of her cage and to learn everything is ok without hanging on to the cage as her security blanket.


Just step by step and inch by inch. You will make it through this with more time and patience. :-)

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Hi Ruby, you have excellent suggestions from luvparrots, jess and dan. Hang in there. It is a question of time and patience.

I saw the photos you uploaded. If I lived in a cage that size, I would probably not come out too !!!;) Seriously, it is great that she now has so much space and I am sure she is feeling very comfortable.

I am sure things will improve and you will have a great relationship with Ruby.

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jamalbirdbiz wrote:

.......bite me a lot 2 and it hasnt hindered r relationship at all.......


Jamal, I think "getting bitten a lot" and "hasn't hindered r relationship" is an oxymoron. I do not agree that wearing gloves is the solution. I think trying to find out why your bird is biting you and changing your behaviour is the way to a healthy and loving relationship.


Just a thought. Ultimately it is your bird and your relationship and being an African Grey expert, I am sure you know best.

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As the others have already stated this will be a long process and you should expect results to be in small increments and take a lot of time and patience on your part but the reward will be great.


Think in small steps and reward Ruby for any and all progress so she gets good behavior associated with getting treats.


I highly suspect she may have been abused so gaining her trust may be a long way off but give her lots of time and don't push her, let her decide when she is ready for more.

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