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Hi everyone. My love and also my little problem is Pookie I have had him for a year. He is six. He has started jumping on my head when I head for the door. He tries to bite and terrorize me. He is a Timneh and I am new to parrots. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Hello Spmartin and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Pookie.


What a cute name, seems that is the name of a cat in the Garfield cartoon isn't it?


When Pookie goes to jump on your head just put your hand up to deflect him away, he will soon get the message that you don't want him up there.


He is asserting his independence and domination over you and you can't let him win.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Pookie you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Hi spmartin - Harvey does this too - I do exactly as Judy describes - he likes being on your head when you're on the computer, or I'm at my dressing table. What he's doing is totally normal - attention seeking!!


Can't wait to hear more about you and Pookie - what a lovely name! :)

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Welcome Spmartin and flock!! It's GreYt having you here. :-)


In addition to the good advice Judy and Jill gave. You can also just make your head a bad landing spot by ducking or just bending your head down so your grey will just fall or slide off. Normally once they have found a perching item to be unstable, they will no longer try to use it.


If you have had him for a year. This has perhaps turned into a game to him that you may have once thought was funny, but now has become a liability. It will take time and consistency to stop a behavior that a grey has become used to if that is the case.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos and videos when you get a chance. :-)

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Hi spmartin. If my grey heads for the top of my head, I just hold my arm out and she lands on it instead. If she is faster than I am, I just shoo her off and hold out my arm for her. Glad you decided to join the Grey Family, can't wait to hear more about Pookie. What a great name. Karma to you for taking in an older grey. Pictures please!

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Molly does this a lot to me and she goes into lockdown 4 it 2. in x she will learn. :) if she wants to lowride and have free fly x she must learn the rules. :( i hate doing it but i have 2.

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