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HI, Cosito has been molting since this spring, he is going to be 2 in April and does not quit molting, he does not let new feathers grow, only has baby like feathers on his chest and sometimes takes his tail feathers off not all but one or two, is that normal or is that considered feather picking? he is very content and happy spoiled and gets a lot of attention...any suggestions?:dry:

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Hi Fresca, you can usually tell if your bird is chewing his/her feathers by the state of them, the shaft will look chewed whereas feathers lost in a molt are usually "clean" and normal looking. It does sound by your description of your fid's chest that he is indeed plucking, if this is so you will have to try to work out the reasons why he is doing so. Why not have a word with your avian vet and ask for advice on how to stop this. The problem with feather plucking is that it can become habitual and is often difficult to stop. If he isn't plucking and not replacing feathers then he could possibly have a vitamin deficiency, again your vet is the best person to advise you.


I hope you sort this out and please do let us know the outcome.

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I agree that it does sound like he is plucking. The chest is a common area for them to pluck. It sounds like he gets enough attention. How about the environment? Be sure you are not using any sprays, candles, air fresheners. He could also have a hidden illness that is causing him to pluck. I would schedule a vet appointment to rule out a physical reason.

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Fresca - As others have said. It sounds like your grey is plucking.


You have another post about this as well asking if it's plucking or molting. Dave007 answer it with excellent advice on bathing, misting, humidity etc.


I would advise you to take this information seriously or you may well end up with a bare bird, which is a very sad thing to happen.


How long has it been since you had an avian vet visit? Besides all the items Dave007 listed as things you need to do for your grey at least 2 or 3 times a week. An illness could also be the underlying cause for plucking.

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the last visit to the vet was about 2 yrs ago he hates to take a bath so lately i have been spraying him with the bottle, at first he hated it and even bite me really hard, now with time he is getting better at not getting so mad at me when i give him a spray bath, he still has his fluffy feathers or dawn feathers so he does not look that bad but still he does not let his really feathers grow, and for some reason i can't download any pics on this page it takes too long..-:(

any advice?

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Hi fresca - you say that your baby bites you when you spray him with a bottle - why don't you spray him whilst he's in the cage - then he can't get to you. He will go mad for a few moments, but they sharp calm down. Harvey hates the bottle and this is how I spray him with aloe - but he's fine for his usual showers in the bathroom.


The easiest way to upload photos is through photobucket and this is an easy tutorial to follow:




looking forward to seeing some photos x

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