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'Twas the Night Before Christmas.....


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‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. The African Grey on his perch he did stand, listening for santa and sleigh as they land. Santa came down the chimney and to his surprise – an African Grey was staring into his eyes. He moved to the left and he moved to the right, but that African grey wouldn’t let him out of his sight.


"I’m Santa Claus deary" he said to this bird, the bird it did look at him as if slightly absurd. Santa continued to make his way to the tree, but the African Grey would not let him see. He flapped round the living room with all of his might, and poor old dear Santa had to put up a fight.


To put out the presents he ran all around, then dropped to the floor snipering across the ground. He got to the tree at the same time as parrot, to see that dear Rudolph would not get his carrot. The African Grey sat on top of the tree, the carrot in beak as happy as can be.


Santa reached into his slightly opened sack and pulled out some presents that he did tightly pack. The African Grey being a naughty, cheeky parrot aimed for Santa’s head and he dropped the carrot. It bounced of his head and it dropped to the ground, then off flew the parrot without making a sound.


Santa continued his job as he’d planned, thinking houses with parrots next year would be banned. The African grey he then started to chatter, he’d decided with Santa he’d quite like a natter. He fluffed up his feathers and then started to talk “Merry Christmas to All” and then let out a squawk.


It was back up the chimney, sack in his hand then back to the sleigh to where it did land. As santa was flying into the night sky the grey it did cry “It was lovely meeting you Santa, goodnight and goodbye”.


So if you want santa to visit your house, make sure that your parrot’s as quiet as a mouse!!

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Very entertaining Jill.


I am shocked Santa was not impressed by the Grey's bright Red tail. :-)


I guess the dive bombing and austerity of the Grey just did not sit well with old saint nick.


I can't wait to hear what happens next year at that house. :P

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Ha Ha! Multi-faceted - never been called that before!!! Yes Dee, I did make it up - it is one of my deeply hidden talents that I still harbor from those school days!!!


danmcq wrote:

I am shocked Santa was not impressed by the Grey's bright Red tail. :-)


Well Dan - If I haven't been kicked off the forum this time next year - perhaps I shall work this into the next episode ;)<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/12/12 13:33

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JillyBeanz wrote:

Well Dan - If I haven't been kicked off the forum this time next year - perhaps I shall work this into the next episode ;)<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/12/12 13:33


Who says you will even last that long Jill!:woohoo:


Just kidding and I love your version of this timely poem and who knew you had talents beside causing trouble, you amaze me Jill and thanks for sharing that with us.;) :cheer:

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