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A Finch Scare - Kinda gross


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Last night I noticed that one of my four finches was behaving strangely. His feathers were a little puffed, and he wasn't as active as he normally is.


I had a closer look and realized that his back end looked swollen and bald??? It reminded me of a thumb!


I pulled him out of the cage and took him to the bathroom for a closer look, and in a contained space that he wouldn't be able to fly away from me. Upon a close look, I could tell that his stomach was very swollen, and I could see that he was trying to pass a movement, but it just wasn't happening.


When I put him on the counter, he could hardly stand, and seemed to be panting. I really thought I was close to losing him, and it was to late for a vet visit, so I went into desparation mode... I Googled constipated bird, and found instructions for a homeade pedialyte solution that someone suggested can create enough fluid and energy to help them pass their movement. I gave him some from a syringe, he took it readily and I began to notice more energy and chirping from him almost immediately.


I left him for 20 minutes, and still nothing, so I continued to research, and was reminded by this forum that Aloe Vera juice is a natural remedy for human constipation, I was desparate enough to try it.


I mixed the pedialyte with the aloe and again fed that to my little finch. In the meantime, my CAG was whistling away to me like crazy knowing that that was normally our time together for cuddles and scritches!


Anyway, in about another 20 minutes I could see the finch panting away again, wings drooped beside him, but I also noticed that he was pushing and that he had the largest turd coming out of him that I could imagine! By the time all was said and done, he really did put my CAG to shame with the size that he got out of himself... And, he did this three times!


What a difference, he was almost back to himself, but I decided to keep him separate from the other three finches for the night. I made him a nest in the bathroom sink, and left him with food and water. This morning, as soon as I opened the door, he flew at me. I caught him again, and gave him more of the solution. Again, three more parrot sized poohs came out, and then he really got back to his normal antics. He was chirping, jumping and flying around happily.


I put him back in the cage where he has spent a good part of the day resting in his nest, but he is getting out for food and water, and I am continuing to give him more of the aloe solution.


I have to admit, I would have never taken this chance with my CAG, it was too risky, not that I don't appreciate my finches, but the relationship with them isn't nearly the same... nor is the financial investment for that matter.


I'm certain the finch isn't sick... He's my fatty of the bunch, and I just don't think he drinks enough as he is too worried that someone might get to the seeds before he does, even though they get more than enough food.


Anyway, I guess I have a weekend of birdie-nursing ahead of me... Wish me luck!



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That poor little birdie and you had enough wits about you to do what it took to help him, I would have been a frantic mess. Looks like you may have to make sure this bird gets enough water in him to keep the process moving from now on, glad you shared that story with us.

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Thanks for the kind words and good karma.


We did go to the vet, I would have rushed in right away when I noticed this rather than take a chance, but the vet wasn't open, and I really didn't think I even had time for that, the finch was in major distress!


Anyway, the one who was sick is the piggy out of the bunch. The vet figures he had been over doing it, and not taking in enough water. I have added a few more water bins to their cage, and will be laying off on one of their seeds for a bit.


I feed them a variety of different organic seeds from Abba, as well as a finch pellet. Anyway, one of the seeds that I feed is a sprouted seed that "comes back to life" when I soak them in distilled water. They are fairly large, and really rich, so I'll back off from that for a while and add more leafy greens instead.


The vet was happy with the intervention that I did with the finch, and told me to continue feeding him the pedialyte mixture that I gave him as he seems to respons well to it. He still is having large movements, but they are getting to be a smaller by the day. I'll keep him on the mixture twice a day until his stool is a normal size again.

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