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Hello all,

My name is Connie and I have 2 CAG's Spanky and Darla, they are "My Gang". I got Spanky as a baby, last August he finally came home. For his first birthday, I got him a friend... Darla. She was 1.5y/o when I got her from a couple in Toronto, who didn't know what they were doing. She didn't talk, didn't play much at all, very shy, and won't step up. She was in a very small cage, one I would use for mabye a conure, and had a 5' mirror for company.The only good thing, was she seems to have been fed well, and in good feather. After 3 days, she was talking thanks to Spanky. I can now rub her head sometimes, I can kiss her on the beak if I announce it first, and she plays much better now. I am still not able to hold her at all. Any ideas?

I also noticed there isn't any info on your Health and Nutrition page, is this a page in progress?

I've looked at some of the pictures, they are sooooo cute, as babies especially.


Darla on left and Spanky on right.<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2007/07/25 09:33

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Guest Lidia

Welcome to the Flock, Connie.

It sounds like you are doing a great job with Spanky and Darla (can't see any photos, by the way).

As to holding Darla, you don't say how long you've had her, but in any event getting her to let you hold her will simply take time and patience. She sounds like she has already adjusted well to you and your set-up, so it is just patience now.


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Welcome Connie!


It sounds like Darla, Spanky and You get along well.


Do they interact with each each outside of their cages yet?


It will be interesting to hear more about them and see their photo's. We love Photo's :-)

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Thanks for the welcomes.

They talk and whistle back and forth, but if they get too close, they'll get aggressive and lock beaks.

I've had Darla for about 5 months. She has come a long long way, but it's just a little frustrating that I can't hold and love her closer.


I'm trying to attach/upload pics here, but it doesn't seem to be working for me.<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2007/07/25 17:40

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Hi Connie,


Sounds like they are SLOWLY becoming accustom to each other or just put with with on another :-)


I understand some Greys, may never desire to be held close or cuddle, but they are great in all other facets.


To upload a photo in your post, at the bottom, Click on the IMG button first, then browse to the photo on your PC and select it, then click on Submit.


That should get your photo uploaded :-)

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I've been doing that, but for some reason mine aren't showing in the post. I do have one in the photo album, and I uploaded a movie, but not sure where it went either? lol

I'll try and upload a different picture.


Trying again.

You wouldn't know I'm a webmaster! lol


Post edited by: Connie, at: 2007/07/26 01:25


Still not working, and now the img option button is gone. I think this is a case for the admin.<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2007/07/26 01:30

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Guest Monique

Hi Connie!!! Welcome to the forum!! We need to get stuff added to the Health & Nutrition page, don't we?? There's no reason it isn't there yet - just haven't gotten it added yet :).


It can take an older bird a while to adjust. What type of things have you done with her to try to get her more accustomed to you? What is her average daily routine like today?

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Thanks for the welcome.


When I got Darla, I gave her a few days to adjust. I had to put a mirror in her cage (4") because that's all she knew where she came from, small cage and 5' mirror. I didn't like the idea of a mirror, but it is very calming to her. She spends less and less time with it now, and I hope to remove it totally soon.

She allows me to rub her neck, only when in a resting/sleepy mode ...I'll take it! Just in the past few days, I've been able to kiss her beak without her piercing my lip... again.

I do things with Spanky in front of her, like kisses, step up, petting and I believe it is assisting a little.

She travels to Spanky's cage and investigates his toys, a few of which are now hers.

I have to use the grate from the cage to move her anywhere like the shower. I have picked her up off the floor, but you can tell she is very streesed about it.

Her favorite saying is "NO BITTING". lol

I'm not too worried about it, she seams to be happy. I figure if she does, she does. If not, as long as she is not stressed and her needs are met... I've got my baby boy to cuddle.

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Connie, some greys do not cuddle and you have to accept that, but at least one of them will allow you more hands on touch so be grateful for at least that.


Maybe in time Darla will come around, especially if she sees you interacting with Spanky. Keep us updated on their progress.:)

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Guest Monique

It sounds like you are doing all the right things. I think if I were you I would make my goal to get her to step up on your hand and allow you to move her that way without getting stressed out. I would just get used to her having your hand by her cage, in her cage, by her foot .. just slowly inch by inch get her more used to it. If you see her stress back up one step for longer until she is comfortable. Feeding her things by hand at LEAST once per day will also help build the trust between you. As judygram says, lots of Greys do not like to cuddle so she may not end up being a cuddly Grey.

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She will eat from my hand everytime, she will even let me at her nasty pin feathers (when in the mood) she actually invites me by lowering her head. I figure it's just a matter of time, I am pleased with how far whe has come already. If she does, she does... if not no problem, as long as she is happy and healty! I love her either way! How can you not? B)

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Connie it certainly sounds like you have things well under control.


It looks like it will just take time as you indicated for her to come around to the level you desire.


She really sounds like a Great Grey with a good loving personality just waiting to come out the rest of the way.


Your posts of her progress and what she is doing are great!


We love to hear such things :-)

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Connie wrote:


Still not working, and now the img option button is gone. I think this is a case for the admin.<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2007/07/26 01:30


Connie. The problem with uploading photos is no one tells you that the size must be 500 pixels across or smaller.. If the photo is larger then that is just won't post..Sometimes you get a warning about this and sometimes you don't..


If you can resize the photos do so.. If you can't email me your photos. venuto@earthlink.net and I will do it for you..


One more thing.. Welcome to the family.. We are glad to have you... :)

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