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Pak-O-Bird Carriers


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All.. i am going to scotland on a 5 days trip in jan.. not the best time, but i am going along with my friends.. i am taking Chikki with me.. i have informed the train and the accomodation providers about it, and they are ok ..


I plan to get the Pak-o-bird carrier for him..



I know it will be good for his travel in the train.. and he can stay in there when we are settling down in our cottage.. but will it be ok to take him out in carrier in the cold?? I know the purpose of the pak o bird carrrier is to take him out, but will the carrier be warm enough?? have anyone used it to take your CAGs out when the temperature is between 0 to 10 degrees celcius??


If I cant take him out in that bag, I would very well leave him in the cottage when we roam scotland.. So please let me know!!

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Converting the temps you list puts you at 32F-50F.


I do not know if I'd take my fully feathered parrot (certainly not my plucker) out in those temps in a bag with as much mesh as that one has (or any of the other cages/backpack carriers).


If you did I'd sadly say the mesh should be fully insulated and covered, remember this is a topical bird whose lineage is used to a much warmer and humid climate...




That site leads me to believe that 25-30C is the "normal" temp range these birds are accustomed to, with this in mind, what kind of changes can you make to the travel pack to ensure that your bird does not freeze?


It's not uncommon, unfortunately, to read about AGs and other bird freezing to death while stowed under the plane in the cargo hold.


I'd leave him where it is warm, perhaps on the warmest day of your trip take him out briefly... but I wouldn't leave him exposed to cold temps for very long.

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Arun - you are a Southern softie - it might be tropical down here - but here up North I'm afraid you'll need to wear more than your t-shirt!!! :laugh: :laugh:


I live in Newcastle and I wouldn't take Harvey outside - actually, I've just come in and it is 1 degree centigrade - I might have to wear my coat if I pop to the shops ;)


Joking asides - it is too cold - Chris is right. He'll be fine if you leave him in the cottage xx Have a fab time :)

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