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Sucked in again!


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Wow! I can't believe today is Paco's 6th month hatchday!

He didn't really get to celebrate it though, I had to work, all though I bought Timmy's for everyone at work to celebrate (Timmy's for those not Canadian is a favourite Coffee & Doughnut chain named after Tim Horton the company founder and ex NHL Hockey Player)!


Paco got to stay home and antogonize my housekeeper who was in today, she's scared to death of him even though he is in his cage...


Anyway, Paco keeps sucking me in to returning his whistles! I can't seem to stop myself. I go into another room for a second, he whistles or clicks at me and I try to remember to answer him with words, but every now and then he is so enthusiastic that I find myself answering back with the same noise he made!!!


I gotta stay focused on trying to keep him to talk, he's sitting on me now happily whistling and clicking away... Help me resist the temptation!!!!!!

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Oh, don't worry about the whistles! Harvey whistles like a coffee pot - he whistles everything - even after he says "hello" he whistles, after he's done something wrong and says "uh oh", he whistles.


I know what you mean though - I've read all about the "dont copy the whistles, they won't talk etc etc". Personally I think this is a load of hooey - birds whistle!!!


I also know what you mean about your poor housekeeper - my husband's aunt is scared of birds and doesn't particularly like Harvey - even when he is in his cage! Tell the housekeeper she goes before Paco!!! ;)

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Biscotti also just turned 6 mo. & he is a whistling lunatic too! I have never heard so many wolf whistles in my life!! Ha, ha I too am trying not to respond with anything but words and have been doing pretty good. I cannot believe the range of sounds that come from one sweet little bird!! I love to hear him regardless of what comes out, I think I hear an occasional gravely sounding "hello" & "good boy!", but it may just be my imagination. LOL.

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Greywings wrote:

A question of who is training who how to communicate? Aliens have us under observation-little feathered invaders:blink: in our homes...


Ha Ha! I've often thought that Harvey is communicating - it's just I don't understand it!!! I'm now going to watch him and see if there's any patterns in what he's sending to his alien friends!!

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We all know the "Greys" are aliens and that they have been visiting this planet for 1000's of years.


These are just the small package they knew would find their way into our hearts and of course our homes.


Jill - You can't speak grey yet? I am shocked! :ohmy:


No wonder Harvey is getting frustrated. After all, he has learned human. :P


I whistle back at Dayo as well when he contact calls once I walk out of sight. That way he knows I have not left the premises. If I don't answer he does aerial surveillance until he finds me..... sometimes in certain rooms I need to do private business in. :P

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Ha ha! Thanks all! Both your good humoured responses and assurances that I am not ruining my Grey from speaking are a relief.


I'll love him even if he doesn't speak, although I know I've heard "Hello" and "Pretty Bird" several times now, but he always waits until I can't get to him to make a big deal about it...


Anyway, he is done preening my hair while I type, and is trying to pierce my ears now looking for skritches. I better go pay attention to him before he moves into his ultimate weapon, a big rubbery tongue in my ear! Gross!!! LOL!

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