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Just brought her home

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New to the site, love what I have read in preparing for the wonderful new member of our family..she doesnt have a name yet but she will soon... thanks for the great info...I hope to contribute to the discussions often.


Just brought home our new 9 week old CAG...she's gorgous!




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Welcome Drewbake, to our forum Family!


You came to the right place filled with knowledgeable and caring Grey owners.


Your CAG is young, are you still feeding her a few times a day in addition to what she eats on her own?


It will be great to read of her progress and also see Photo's when you get a chance to post some! :woohoo:


Again, welcome to our Family........

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Hi, I'm Rebecca, Drewbake's wife. We have tried to hand feed her a couple of times since she's been home, to no avail. Last night I figured that she was stressed and didn't want to eat. She had her wings and toenails clipped before she came home. Tried again this morning, but she wasn't interested (same stuff she's been eating). I gave her some moistened pellets, which she did eat. I thought maybe the formula wasn't the right temp, so bought a scale to monitor her wt (362g) and thermometer this morning. She still didn't want anything from the syringe the breeder gave us, but she did eat some from the bowl. We think maybe the syringe is too small. She doesn't seem stressed at all. She is very sweet, she cuddles and cooes. I put in a toy with blocks and leather straps which she went straight to and started playing with. She doesn't seem frightened or skittish. Any thoughts?

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I'd say if she's eating moistened pellets keep doing that. Try the syringe again later, but I don't think it would be a bad idea to contact the breeder. I had a lovebird regress and by the time I realized she wasn't eating her food it was too late! She regressed in 13 days and was gone. Better to be safe than sorry

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If you can handle her, I recommend feeding her with a teaspoon with the sides bent inwards, far better than a syring I find. You can control the flow better and don't have to worry that you are going to get it down the wrong hole. It takes time so don't give up if she hasn't accepted the food in the first minute. Talk to her gently and stimulate her beak area with your fingers. But three feeds to miss needs to be taken care of. She should be eating 30-40ml a feed...

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thanks for the advice, I think that she is going to be fine, we are monitoring her weight and she is eating more. the teaspoon idea was a good one. She maybe a little older than we thought, I did put in a call to the breeder and she gave us a few tips and said she would be fine. She is not far if things do not get better.


She weights 362g and I am sure we will fatten her up.


My wife and I have take care of birds before and even fed babies, however its been 20 years so we are a little rusty.


We will post pics soon thanks again for the advice!


BTW - we named her Gracie

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Guest Monique

Welcome Drew, Rebecca, and Gracie!!! Gracie is SUCH a sweet name!! :blush:


Sounds like you have a good breeder, close by and willing to help. Definitely let her know ANY concerns you have. Our breeders have always been a world of help to us - wouldn't trade them for the world!!


Look forward to new stories!!!! :)

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Welcome Drewbake and Rebecca to our family and congrats on your new grey. She does need her feedings and if I was you I would be in touch with your breeder to make sure she is getting enough. Thants good the breeder is close by if you need him.


Sounds like it is going ok for you and your little one, keep us informed of her progress and get us a photo as we love all greys but especially the babies, they are so cute.:)

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Hi Drewbake and family,


Her weight sounds ok to me to, just keep monitoring it. If she is now eating fine you will notice that she loses a bit once she starts to fledge. Don't worry it is normal. Just make sure that she stays good and meaty on the breast. Sometimes the breastbone is sticking out a lot but the breast should feel meaty and full on either side. If she is pooping good you have nothing to worry about. Keep us posted....

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Drewbake, Rebecca and Gracie, welcome here :)


I happy to hear things are improving concerning Gracie's eating - One thing that I think helps a lot is that she seems to feel completely comfortable and adjusted already. Wow! That's a good job you've done there ;)

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Hi Drewbake, Rebecca and Gracie... We are all glad you joined our special family.. In here you will finds some of the most caring people around... I hope you find everything you need for your Grey....


We have a photo thread where you can post photos of you guys. Please check it out and post it you can..




Thanks again for joining..



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Hi Drew, & Rebecca, & Gracie......WELCOME to the forum. When I read your first 2 posts, I was worried about Gracie. Now that I have read on, I see you are already getting great suggestions, and improvement on Gracie is great to hear. Keep us all updated on her progress. (and yours)


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