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My New Congo Grey


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Hi everyone,


This is my first post and my first Grey. I own 2 senegal parrots as well.


My Grey was supposed to be fully weened yesterday, but it seems it does not want to eat out the food bowl or drink water out it's bowl.


When I move the food bowl up to it while it's on it's perch it will eat the food in the bowl.


Any ideas on how I can encourage the baby to eat from the bowl inside the cage rather than offering the food to it?

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I am not an expert on babies, but I would offer the birdie food from the bowl (holding the bowl up to him on his perch) for a day or two and then I'd leave it in the dish holder. He'll see that bowl = food and eventually understand that you're not going to offer him food every single time he's hungry, he'll need to walk over to it.


But the other reason he may be nervous is he may not be used to moving around his cage.


I hope someone whose raised a chick can give better advice. Sometimes I hate having adopted only adult birds, but such is life!

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Welcome Drew.


If your grey was "weaned" before picking him up, he would have no problem eating or drinkin from a bowl.


How old is he and was he still being fed formula once or so a day at th breeders?


Also, you should ask the breeder what types of food the baby was eating.

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Thanks so much for the replies, it seem's now that I've put the food bowl on the top of the cage it's eating :D and drinking from the water bowl!


I'll see how that goes for a day or two.


After that I will move the bowls to the holders and see if it manages to find the food bowls! IMG00005_20091210_1627.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: drew137, at: 2009/12/10 15:40



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Nicepics. Your baby is probably a bit scared and unsure in his new home.Keep a close watch on his weight and hold the bowls up to him if he is more confident to eat that way.He maybe a bit scared to climb round his cage if he is very young so lower the perches and makesure the bowls are easy for himto reach.A blanket placed under papers on the base of the cage will cushion any fallsthe baby grey may have while learning to navigate his way round the cage.

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Thanks again for all the advice, I have purchased the same pellet and fruit mix that the breeder was using. Yesterday evening when I usually feed her the porridge mix she didn't even cry or ask for it.


I'm guessing like was mentioned she is a bit scared to walk around the cage to the bowls, I'll see how it goes today.


We have not had the baby sexed and we don't think we're going to do it right away. My fiance and myself have named the bird "Peanut" :D

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Thats so strange as My new grey Is the exact same he'll eat out of his bowls when I have them out of the cage and wont touch the food when the bowls are In the cage even tho he sits on them and beside them and Is well able to get around the cage (With the odd fall to the bottom on occasion lol) Last night he ate a few grapes from the blanket at the end of the cage but I just wish he would ate when he Is in his cage so that i can be sure he's not hungry.

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Yeh I also wish it would eat out the bowl, when I got home today I put the bowls on the top of the cage and the poor baby ate and drank although it looked like the food had been eaten while in the cage but it didn't look like enough had been eaten! I'll just keep an eye on it and see how it goes.


Peanut has learnt to step up onto a wooden perch, still a bit scared to step onto my hand but we'll get there slowly :D we went for a walk around the house today to meet the family and sat in the family room where the baby checked out everything it possibly could!


Thanks again to everyone for the advice and help!

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My little baby is doing great, I feed it in the morning and she is waiting for the food bowls to be put back into the cage.


She still does enjoy the bowls being on top of the cage but I have noticed that if I don't move the bowls she does make her way to them to help herself!


I've certainly learnt so much patience in the past 2 weeks it's amazing! Peanut enjoys watching the soccer on TV and spending time with our family in the living room!


I haven't taken her out on her first out of the house excursion but I'm hoping to do so soon. I just want to be sure she knows the step up command, and she loves wearing her harness which I'm sure will make me happier when I take her out the house for the first time!

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I wonder if Peanut is waiting to eat when the flock is around. When I'm out all day I, of course, leave Dorian fresh water and food, and I can tell he nibbles through the day, but he doesn't chow down until I'm home. This is true even if I'm gone all day and into the evening. It really worried me at first, but now I just try to get a decent breakfast into him before I leave and if I'm really going to be gone for more than 12 hours I ask my dad to sit by his cage and watch tv downstairs for an hour during the day. He isn't starving himself after all, he just seems to believe in a 'family' meal:)

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