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Adopting a new Grey next week


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I am new to this forum and will be getting a ten year old African Grey in a week. The current owner and I have been visiting for two months to get her used to me so we are good friends now. She even kissed me on my last visit.


I am hoping to learn from you all as I go. I am not new to animals nor birds and have done a lot of training so I am expecting the transition to go smoothly. However, that doesn't mean I am unprepared for stress to my new bird, Ipo (Hawiain for sweetheart and she is).


I am reading up everything I can find to prepare myself as well as visiting her often. If anyone has any thoughts beyond the obvious ones I might have found already, that would be great. I do expect to have a ton of questions once she arrives.

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crossfit wrote:


The current owner and I have been visiting for two months to get her used to me so we are good friends now. She even kissed me on my last visit.


Who you and the owner kissed!! Only joking!! :laugh:


Welcome to our Family. Karma to you for adopting an older grey and you appear to have been so sensible in your approach - with the visits to your new "baby".


You will find all of the information you need to know about training, feeding etc here. There are many members of our forum who have adopted greys and other parrots to much success.


Ask any questions you deem "silly" - I can promise you they won't be - and I'll have asked them before anyway!


Looking forward to getting to know you and learning more about your new addition.

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Thanks for responding so quickly. I tend to stay up late and don't expect too much at this hour since its early for Europe and late for US/Canada/South America. I tend to have a lot of online friends from Australia due to it too.


Here is my birds story so far: She was hand fed by her current owner and very lovingly raised. She was taken everywhere, and definate training has happened. Ipo speaks three languages and uses a variety of words to get the things she needs or wants as well as to state when she is happy or sad. She doesn't bite or at least hasn't in a very long time. She knows step up and a few game commands but not too many other tricks. She clearly thinks hard about things. I have seen her concentrating very hard and its remarkable. Her mom has become ill in the past two or three years and it has become clear she isn't going to get better and is likely to get worse and worse. This has meant Ipo has less stimulation especially since the daughter moved out and now its only Ipo and mom. Mom can't carry Ipo in her birdy back pack anymore so even when she can get out, she can't take Ipo. At home she is too tired and has realized she wants to find a home that will make Ipo happy before she is so sick that she can't be part of finding the right home.


So we will see what happens. They are very bonded but Ipo has always loved being with lots of people in the past so I am hoping that if I focus on bonding with her during this transition, that she will find my very lively home to be one that brings her joy.


edit: I spoke again with Rachel (Ipo's current owner) and she said her health concerns are varied but to please make sure people know she isn't dying at this point. She doesn't want people thinking of her in that light. There are a number of issues that make it so she can't take care of Ipo in the best way possible and that is what matters.<br><br>Post edited by: crossfit, at: 2009/12/11 01:22

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I'm in the UK and wide awake (at work in fact - whoops)!


It must be such a strain for her current owner to part with her - but in her heart of hearts she knows she is doing the right thing in order that Ipo is cared for and loved for a long, long time. It will be breaking her heart letting her go.


You are doing a great thing and you've researched so much and realised that you can't just pick Ipo up and fetch her home and think she'll just act the same with you.


It will all be new to both of you and small steps will be needed - she will miss her owner, it's only natural.


She sounds like an absolute angel - and I look forward to hearing more (and seeing some photos!!). Good luck - keep us updated.

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Welcome to the forum!!


It's GreYt having you here.


It is a sad story with a happy ending. I know the day will come that I will need to find my Grey a new loving home as well. If you love someone as much as we do our greys, we do what is best for them and find it a bittersweet event. But, at least you can rest in peace knowing you did the right thing.


I congratulate you for taking a grey and spending the time it takes to see if the grey would select you and show good interaction with you as well.


I am looking forward to hearing more as this progresses. :-)

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Hi Crossfit, I believe you instinctively already are doing the right things to ensure that Ipo will be moving into a loving and caring environment. What great love of birds you must have to take the time to visit and see that you learn everything about Ipo. She is a very lucky grey and her present owner a very loving parront. Please give Ipo's present owner best wishes from Greyforums. What a wonderful parront she is. I can't wait to hear how Ipo's arrival to your home goes!

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So, this is what I am imagining my first days will be like:


1. I will let her stay in her cage if she chooses. When the room is safe (other household animals are put away) I will open her door for her to choose to come out if she wishes.


2. I will bring her food daily in small batches often so she starts to realize that when I come in the room, it means treats and good things.


3. If she gives me the okay, I will offer her to step up within the cage and get off again freely. If she seems comfortable with that, and has felt comfortable with the room, I will offer to bring her out for a very short period, very close to the cage door so she can retreat if she chooses.


4. When she is in her cage and the others are around, I will be available to talk to her and reassure her that things are fine and she is safe.


My thought is that we won't change things in her cage much at all until she shows that she is ready to be fully integrated into the household. There will already be so much change with just moving her and leaving her family I want her safe house to remain the same. I might get her a few new toys to give her at the current house so she has some new things already that were put in the cage by her current mom. She needs a new rope perch and her mom and I were thinking of getting one and putting it in before she moves here so she is all set with it.


Is this sounding right?


So far I have been able to read her body language pretty well and getting better at it. I can tell when she just barely fluffs up to let me know she is nervous and so far when she does that I move slightly back (or move my hand back which is the more likely cause) until she settles back down. She did enjoy shredding a pen cap on my lap the other day so if she moves past those first four steps above, my next thought will be to start giving her fun toys on my lap while we just sit together or while I use the computer.


Is this sounding good? Any thoughts?

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OH of course I have. I will be seeing her again tomorrow. Even so, hearing from others is useful though if there was something directly opposite from what Ipo's owner thinks, I might lean towards her ideas since she knows the specific parrot.


I also gave her the link to these forums so she can read my posts. I tend to be more verbal in writing than in person. If she has links to the forums she can see what I am thinking and asking as things move along and help me as well. That is part of the point.<br><br>Post edited by: crossfit, at: 2009/12/11 01:17

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You certainly have a best case scenario for rehoming a precious girl Ipo. One thing to keep in mind that while you are at her mama's house she is in her familiar enviroment and being encouraged by the one she loves the best. When you bring her home, you will have a lot of new things going on and it will take a little more finesse for you to help her adjust. I like your idea to leave her cage as is since it will be her haven while things on the outside have changed. Also, it is heartening to know you can check back with her mama offering advice to help Ipo move toward accepting you as her trusted new friend. Good luck to all of you.

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I just got back from a visit with Ipo. She asked me to scratch her neck today and also talked up a storm in my direction whenever I tried to talk to her mom. All good signs. Tomorrow or Sunday they will come over here to visit and we will do a few visits this week before move in day on Thursday. I am also learning the hawiain words that Ipo knows so that I understand what she means as well as me being able to use the words she knows. For example, Good bird is Good wahini for Ipo. Another one is that she seems to have a sense of time and her word for a quick visit or someone being gone quick is wiki wiki (I think - I better check).


I am going to have a list of the words she knows that mean specific things - fritos for favorite food, etc so I will have a clue and her mom will come over each day the first week to make sure Ipo and I are both settling in well and make sure I am not missing something. I think I was told Ipo says over 100 things regularly but at least quite a few are in English (gonna take a shower, gonna brush your teeth, see ya later, tear it up, names of people and the other animals in her current home, etc) She also understands a lot of words as well (gentle, etc). She clearly is interacting with language more than just repeating and I look forward to that.


By the way, her owner has been reading the forums a bit and I believe she really appreciates hearing from you all that it isn't wrong to feel so sad about rehoming a bird as well as that the way she is going about it is ideal. It isn't a fun thing to have to do.

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Ipo sounds like a wonderful Grey that has been loved and cared for by a very connected owner.


It is GreYt that you two have become friends during this time and that means she could come and visit or hear updates from you if she so desires.


I look forward to hearing more as this progresses. :-)

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Okay. Tonight is the night. Earlier today I went and got the cage, her food, and everything but her swing. Her mom is bringing her and the swing over soon. Any minute now actually. It will be hard. Her mom really really doesn't want to do this but knows it is best for Ipo. We have a lovely contract written up that considers all our needs and allows us to all focus on Ipo's needs at the highest level. We are basically doing a six month visit here at my house. During that time, if Ipo shows serious signs of stress that we can't find a way to deal with, she will go back to her current home. We are going to have her current mom visit daily in the first week and taper off a bit in the second week and then continue visits as long as we all want them. I like her a lot and have made a new friend so I am hoping that the visits will continue even just for me. We also put a clause in the contract that if Ipo goes back there to live that I have visiting rights as well into the future.



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Well the wait is almost over. Ipo will be there soon and the next stage of her life will have a chance to blossom. I truly hope this works out for all three of you. Ipo's Mom certainly is a very loving parront and I hope Ipo will be happy and the three of you will have a long and happy friendship for a long while. Fingered crossed and best wishes and happy holidays to you all.

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