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In Case of Emergency


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I received this today as part of a newsletter and thought you guys would appreciate it, fore-warned is fore-armed as they say:


"Fire? Flood? etc and etc.

Even if you have proper bird carriers kept to hand how would you move/carry more than two?


Pillow cases - keep one in every room your birds are likely to be in. Be sure you tell everyone in the family/house where they are kept and show them how to use them.

Sew a doubled over long bootlace as a tie string a few inches down from the top, or do a proper job and weave a chord through a wide open-ended hem in the top of the pillow case. Add beads if you like or make big knots so that you can easily find the ends of the ties in a hurry.

You could even paint the drawstrings with glow in the dark paint so that the bags can be found in the dark.

For bigger birds, a single duvet cover or one cut in half and resewn.


Allow one per bird as it wouldn't be wise to place more than one bird in each .... bites and injuries may happen from the panic and upset of it all.


I keep one in the car too for any emergency wildlife pick-up but do be sure to have a really heavy pair of gloves too .... injured and frightened wildlife can and will bite HARD."


Keep safe, keep your fids safe. :)

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I've read about people who have these emergency cages in their homes in order that they are readily available to grab to get their birds out of their homes. I just don't have anywhere close to Harvey I could store one - but what a brilliant idea the pillow case is. Thanks for this Julie x

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I have travel cages in my office and in my living room that I use to cage my birds if unexpected guests arrive. Pat, TycosMom has mentioned the pillow cases before and so I have those readily available also. Great post Julie! We can never be too cautious.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/12/10 19:51

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