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Hello I am new here

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Hello! I am new here. I am hoping to learn as much as possible about our new family member. He is an African Grey Congo. His name is Mr. Boo and he is 7 years old.


We used to raise conures and cockatiels and felt ready for this guy. His original mommy of 7 years had to give him up for reasons beyond her control so we stepped in and said we would give him a loving, permanent home.


He's got a permanent home... but I am not so sure we were as ready as we thought! I had no idea these creatures could think and reason as well as they do!


Boo has bonded with my sister but I am his actual caretaker because she works and I do not. I can't wait to start reading more and continue to learn.



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Hi Snow.. Welcome to our family. We are happy you joined us.. i think you are gonna love this place as much as I do.. There are some wonderful members here that you just can't find anywhere else on the whole internet..


If you need anything just ask.. Make your way around the place and discover your new home away from home.. We will be ready to answer any and all questions you might have..


Until then.. Thanks again for joining us..

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Hello, Snow, and welcome to our family. Congrats on your, new to you grey, I am so glad you stepped in to give him a good home and you sound like you care a lot for him already. Read over the threads you see here, you will find the answers to many of your questions in those, but if you do have any all you need to do is ask and we will do our best to provide the best answers we know.


Greys are very smart as you are finding out and you will see that they are amazing creatures and wonder why you didn't have one long ago.


We look forward to hearing more about Boo and get us a photo of him if you can, we love photos of each others greys.:)

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Thank you for your warm welcome. As soon as my new computer has some pics of Mr.Boo I will share a couple with you. Yes, he's amazing! We have wanted an AG for years and years so this was really a windfall for us.


I have questions that I am trying to find the answers to in the forums without re-asking and being annoying.. lol!


Thank you again for the warm welcome. I am looking forward to making new friends here as much as I am learning about Boo.



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Well I had to look to see where your questions that are not being answered might be and they are not here. So go ahead and post them in the right forum Im sure youll get some sort of reply when they are posted.B)

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Thank you... I just posted one about biting in the "Bite Me" club. Sadly, I am a member now. It's a lot like being in the "Kicked" club with my horses. Mr. Boo has given me a new meaning to "boo hoo"... I try not to cry when he bites me... but it really hurts! lol!

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Hi Snow, and WELCOME! I like your Greys name. Mr Boo. Very cute.

My name is Kim and "danmcq" is my better half here.

If you have anything you don't see an answer for, just ask. Everyone here is very interested in every one's birds. They are so helpful when you find yourself in a tough place. We're here to support each other, and everyone does this very well.


Keep us updated.


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Hi, Snow & Welcome! Like everyone has said, I too, am happy to welcome you to our family! I look forward to hearing more about Mr. Boo.

I am also a member of The Bite Me Club! Both for horses, and Greys!! :lol:

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Guest Monique

Welcome Snow - I'm glad you joined us!!! I look forward to hearing about your adventures with Mr. Boo!!!!! :)

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