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Baby african grey


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Hello I recently bought an african grey called him griffin, Not sure about his sex but I might get him sexed once I can handle him and take him out safley without him being scared, Until then just assuming hes a boy, not sure why just seems like one. Hes just under 4 months old and I bought him from a breeder, I've talked to the breeder about things but want to check things off with other owners too. I've had him for 3 days now.

For starters hes not very good at his balance I couldn't tell you how many times hes fell to the bottom of his cage and just seems to be quite bad at staying on his perches flaps his wings alot to get balance, the breeder said hes just getting used to his new cage is that all it could be? or is there another possibilty?

He hasnt bitten yet likes to lick people but hasnt BITTEN anyone yet which is good :)

The second point is that hes terrified of me I put my hands in his cage to change his toys round and move them to keep him occupied until I can take him out properly and he just flies away in his cage and seems terrified Im trying to be less intrusive now and just get him used to my hands in his cage or near him but he doesnt like it, seems very jumpy to with alot of things.

Hes also very quiet he only makes little noises to music which seem to be happy noises think he likes it so I sit with him all day singing hoping he'll get used to me.

I know its early days but I dont want to frighten him but do want to get him used to be early on so I can get him out of his cage properly (Im hoping that once hes used to me he'll hardly be in it)

He seems to like girls more than boys which is a bit harder coz Im a guy.

Also he pulls his feathers alot I dont think hes plucking as hes only lost fluff and not that much of it, would I be right to guess hes just preening and I know if hes plucking?

Hes in the reccomended african grey cage and is never alone for more than an hour between me and my family all day unless he wants to sleep then we cover him and let him but hasnt slept through the day much really.

Just any tips suggestions stories of you're first grey might help?

I read alot about them before buying griff but its so different having him here, I do think hes brilliant but want to treat him right and start getting him out. I opened his cage on the second day as I was reccomended to put he crashed lightly into a wall, he seemed fine and I rang the breeder immediatley describiing what happened he explained how to pick griffin up and that he was used to being handled like this as he cant step up yet but he hated it, I dont know if thats why hes scared of me, the rooms a decent size and I cant get a vet to come to the house unless its an emergency so I mean is he just nervous what do I do :/

Havent got a proper camera so no pictures but took some on my phone and hes a complete poser! :P

Appreciate any advice

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All you discribe is normal.Young greys are often clumsey.Keep his perches low and place a towel on the base of the cage under the papers to soften any falls .He will be feelling very strange and unsure in his new home so just talk to him and sit close to the cage chatting to him.Offer him treats by hand if he will take them but if he backsaway accept that he isnot ready yet for close interaction.Time and patiance are the key words when first bringing a grey home.Go at his pace and dont force him in to anything.Be calm ad talk quietly when changing cage papers and feed bowls.

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Breeders socialize their baby greys differently I suppose. My breeder handled her baby greys all the time so when I brought Ana Grey home I was told to cuddle her and talk to her calmly. That greys were flock animals and that I was her new flock so I should interact with her a lot. Did your breeder handle your grey much and socialize him? If not than sitting by his cage and talking to him and handing him treats is certainly a great way to start. Can't wait to hear more about Griffin.

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Griffin is still getting used to his new home, remember everything is new to him right now so it stands to reason he is a little scared, give him some time to become familiar with his new cage and home.


Some greys look at their cage as their safe place and he may resent you intruding into his space so let him come out of his cage on his own and see if he likes that better. Let him decide when he is ready for you to handle him some so just be patient.


You will find greys will chew thru toys in quick time so have plenty on hand to keep him busy, you can browse thru the toy and playstand room for some ideas of homemade or cheap toys to provide for Griffin.

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Thanks for you're responses. He does seem weary, the breeder I got him from did handle him well and alot but I think alot more women work there which is probably why he seems keener with women but the breeder suggested picking griffin up griffen didnt like it at first and jumped away, the breeder told me I had to do it to get griffin comforatble and once I got him and held him close to me he calmed down so much nibbled a little bit but even kissed me which was so suprising, they did seem to handle him well but I think I am a bit scary to him still, but after holding him I feel so much closer to him like its one big step, gonna give him his space still as he seems to prefer me just singing to him outside his cage for the moment all day and im happy to do that :P

Im glad it all seems like the usual behaviour.

I can also already see how rewarding a grey is I hope griffin does come to get close to me but even at arms length he is amazing.

And yeah im going on a massive shopping spree with my christmas wages and getting him tons of toys so hes never bored, gonna try making him a playgym myself, im only part time and its split shifts so get loads of time to spend with him and Im really looking forward to it now, really glad I got griff now :)

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Thanks I cant wait to start it and see what he thinks :P

He's gotten really vocal today, seem like healthy happy parrot noises so im quite pleased seems like what the breeder said might have worked, havent tried going in his cage yet though coz he seems happy so he can chill out for a bit but very loud now :P

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As others have said, what you describe is quite normal and to be expected. Most of all, be patient - you are training and setting behaviours for a life time in a companion that will live a long time.


You may find that insuring a calm, confident and patient demeanor will go a long way towards receiving the same from Griffon.


Can we get some pictures??

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Congratulations on bringing the new baby home.


As others have already said, just take it slow and gentle. Your baby will come around.


Do any of the women in the house interact with him at all? If so, does he seem more willing to accept a step-up from them? If so, then leverage that to build on the behaviour and socializing with more people. :-)

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I wanna get some pictures up when I get around to lending my girlfriends camera :P (when I take pictures on my phone he moves his head side to side and turns around alot as if to let me get a good look :P)

Well he almost stepped up for my girlfriend when he first got here and we tried to get him out of his travel cage into his new cage but the breeder said he hasnt been taught to step up yet which is why he told me to pick griffin up until he gets used to me touching him. He does seem to approach women more and im only doing most of the things with my girlfriend here coz hes alot calmer with her here and responds a tad better to being picked up when she does it then she'll carefully pass me griffin as hes to scared when i try to, hes okay once we have him close to our chest and he knows where not going to drop him its just getting him there, the breeder said we have to persist but it does feel harsh doing it, guess its for the better though.

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Another update, griffin was stepping up for my dad yesterday as if he knew what he was doing but apparently he hadnt done it at the breeders, hes still scared of me but lets other people touch him scratch him and everything its just me now that hes scared of and I dunno what to do :/ im not acting nervous or anything he could pick up on just doing the same as everyone else, anyone got any ideas how to get him to approach me? I cant even get near him, he just jumps away, keep my hand where it is I dont react to his jumps what should I do? :/

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Just time and patience is what it will take. It seems perhaps you were the "Evil Guy" that took him from his flock and then even trying to transfer him to a different home and cage.


It sounds like he has all the interactions going on with others that he does not view as a threat any longer. Just stay out of his "Space" and always approach with a "Treat" peace offering to get him to come to you.


I know it's hard and you love him to death. But, it is going to take time. :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Josh, it is wonderful to hear about you and Griffin and the lengths you are going through to help him adjust and welcome him into your family. Dan is right, just be patient, if someone else can handle him and he is calm, use that to your advantage, he is much more likely to accept you when they are near him to give security. You are patient, loving and kind to him, he is just keeping you at length until he learns that. Keep your interactions positive and happy, keep singing to him. If most of his loving humans have been female so far, he is just looking at you as an alien. Perhaps... LOL... if you don a bra and wig.... LOL. Just kidding of course. Take your time he is going to love you as soon as he gets to know you better. It is a way with cats, babies and greys that the more you advance, the more they retreat. I think the secret is to be present, let them scope you out and come to you, it will happen and the joy of when he chooses you for the first time when he has other options will make all the patience worthwhile. Griffin will get there, hold your excitement dear but give him his choice to embrace you.

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