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Bringing Home An African Grey Congo Today


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Hi Zippity and Welcome to our Family. You are in the right place to find out all you need to know about your new CAG. You don't say whether this is a baby you are bringing home? This is an excellent link about bringing home a bird and has all the vital settling in techniques included:




You have to remember that everything is so new to him and he has been removed from all he knows - take it slowly, let him find his way around etc.


I presume you have done all of the research regarding feeding and their dietary needs? Also, their need for interaction etc.


Please read all of the information included on this forum ~ and any questions that you have please feel free to post - any stupid ones will have already been asked by me (and I still continue to do so)!!


If you have a moment - go and tell us about yourself in our Welcome Room - we also like photos of your baby too!! :)

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Don't try and make him step up or interact with you for the first week.


Open the door and let him come out, don't coax him out with food.


More or less pretend he does not exist, let him see the normal routine, and then he'll start to 'call' you and want to interact with you.


Your very wise to know he'll be scared when he arrives.

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I do not know his age yet. The story I have heard so far is that I am getting him from an older gentleman that says he was his wife's parrot. She passed on 4 yrs ago. He dosen't even know his real name or age. He has called him PD for 4 yrs and they had him for 10 yrs. He doesn't want him anymore because he doesn't give the attention he deserves and he doesn't want to transport him back & forth to Florida.


The good news is I know the place his wife used to take him to have his nails and wings done. I used to take my conure to him also. I have a call into him for more info. When I pick him up today I will get ALL info I can.


I will fill you in later. I pick him up in 1 hour and 20 minutes...lol...bye for now.



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Hopefully the vet and groomer can give you more detailed background.


I imagine this is very hard for the previous caretaker to cope with, as he's really letting the last of his wife go with rehoming the parrot.


Be sure to hug him and thank him for thinking of the parrot's best interest.

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Hi ZippityV, congrats and karma to you for providing a home for an older grey. Just take things slow and let the grey adjust to his new surroundings and home. Let him settle in and once he is calm just open the door and let him come out on his own. Talk to him quietly and calmly and let him get use to you as his new parront. I think its wonderful that you can hopefully get more information about him from his groomer. Good luck and please keep us posted.

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Well I brought home my new parrot yesterday and I feel like the luckiest person in the world!!! I am posting a picture I took yesterday when I first got him home.


Well here is what I have found out from the guy who had him yesterday and then from the vet and groomer who saw him today......


Picked him up yesterday and he came with a jar of Pistachios...thats it!! the man bragged that the parrot had expensive tastes because its the only nut he will eat!! Then he proceeded to inform me that his wife used to spend WAY to much on the bird and it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo and that he only fed the bird whatever he ate. only people food and fast food. That has been for 4 years and the groomer had kicked him out and he went to any bird places again. I also found out NO medical or any other info...So I only know he is older than 12 and that his original name is forgotten and that he never really called him any name.


So here is a question......What do I do about a name???? I feel bad not knowing his real name. It breaks my heart to think of any loving animal not having a name.


So as for the shape of my new love of my life....His neck is missing most of his feathers and the ones he has needed help, it looked very painful!!! He of course was malnurrished---go figure.


His beak was cracked and curling over, there was a wack job on his wings and his nails were curving in an awful shape.


So he got the full spa treatment----LOL----he is sitting on his perch preening himself as I type. He came out of the office and cuddled and kissed me right away and cooed and made noised all the way home from the vet & groomers. He is such a sweet boy, very loving!! He even is bending his head down for the whole family to pet his neck.


Oh...I came home with pellets and some medication to help him to stop plucking. Hope it works because it wasn't cheap.


So can anyone give me tips on changing his food habbits...an easy transition????????


Ok that is all for now. Thanks to all for all helpful tips up till now and in advance for my future questions.



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Hi ZippityV!


Most definitley Karma to you for rehoming this lovely lad!

As far as diet goes, he hasn't really had one - so weaning him off crap and onto a healthy pellet diet maybe straightforward (famous last words!) just gradually introduce your pellets of choice and hopefully he will lap it up along with his new loving routine!

As for the name - give it a week or so and his name will come to you! He will strike you as being a Tom, Dick or Harry (or so forth!)

He sounds like a real sweetie, and I'm so happy that he has found a loving home with you - he must have been so griefstricken when his owner died.

Keep us informed of his progress please.

P.s. the photos mustn't have worked so you may need to downsize them!

Lyn & Alfie.


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